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来源: 时间:2019-05-30 浏览:

报告题目:大道至简 | 现代夹具的制造革新

报告人: 杜尚俭博士,德国雄克中国区总经理

Mr Kleiner, Managing Director, SCHUNK Mengen





2.Mr Kleiner, Managing Director, SCHUNK Mengen

Mr Kleiner studied mechanical engineering in Germany and on the same time got the training on the industrial meister. He joined Schunk in 1997. From process planner, plant manager, in 2006 managing director. Employees from 50 to 600. He is now responsible on 3 plants, in Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Mr Kleiner is also the board member of Schunk Group, IHK Vice president. He is leading the process innovation in clamping tech since 2013.