陈杉杉,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事超精密复杂曲面的加工工艺与测量技术研究。2018年4月和2019年6月分别于香港理工大学(导师:Benny C.F. Cheung 教授)和哈尔滨工业大学(导师:张飞虎 教授)获得双博士学位。2020年10月-2022年1月于英国诺丁汉大学大学从事博士后研究工作(导师:Dragos Axinte 教授)。以第一作者发表国际学术期刊论文10余篇,连续两届nanoMan国际会议获得最佳论文奖(2018年和2021年),获得Nanomanufacturing and Metrology期刊2020年度优秀论文,参与撰写外文书籍2部。担任《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》期刊编委,国际工程技术学会AET会员,中国光学工程学会高级会员,陕西机械工程学会摩擦学分会会员。担任国际期刊Crystals和Micromachines的客座编辑, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, international journal of Nanomanufacturing, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology等期刊审稿人。
研究方向:1.微纳模具加工 2.光学超精密加工技术 3.微电子基材抛光技术
手 机:18745195320
项目编号 |
项目名称 |
项目来源 |
起止时间 |
承担角色 |
52293400 |
关键光学元件高性能制造基础 |
基金委重大项目 |
2023-01~2027-12 |
子课题主持 |
52105481 |
急变曲率硬脆光学元件磨削表面形成机制及损伤控制方法研究 |
国家自然科学基金青年项目 |
2022-01~2024-12 |
负责人 |
3115200198 |
自由曲面磨削表面形成机理及方法研究 |
中国博士后基金项目 |
2020-01~2021-12 |
负责人 |
2022YFE020500 |
第三代半导体 SiC 晶片的全工艺无损伤智能检测技术与装置研发 |
2022年港澳台战略性科技创新合作重点专项 |
2023-07~2025-06 |
子课题主持 |
LQ21E050010 |
多晶硬脆材料化学机械抛光纳米表面形成机理研究 |
浙江省自然科学基金 |
2021-01~2023-12 |
负责人 |
JDKFJJ2022004 |
自由曲面磨削表面形成机理及损伤控制方法研究 |
河南省超硬磨料磨削装备重点实验室开放课题 |
2022-12~2024-12 |
负责人 |
20231194 |
碳化硅颗粒增强铝基耐磨复合材料 |
广东工业大学项目 |
2023-08~2024-07 |
负责人 |
HXDSH20220550 |
渐开线圆柱齿轮测绘软件开发 |
企业合作项目 |
2022-05~2024-05 |
负责人 |
JZM-202003002-02 |
因***究 (子课题:复杂曲面超精密加工及测量) |
JG项目 |
2019-12~2024-12 |
子课题主持 |
312290001001 |
平行法磨削自由曲面在位测量与误差补偿技术研究 |
陕西省科学技术局项目 |
2020-01~2021-12 |
负责人 |
[1] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Chi Fai Cheung*, Duanzhi Duan, Lai Ting Ho, Zhuangde Jiang, Chengwei Kang. Fabrication of high-precision micro-structure array using phase shift modulation of superimposed oscillation in ultra-precision grinding. Optics Express, 2022, 30(24): 44321-44338.
[2] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Zhirong Liao*, Chi Fai Cheung, Zhuangde Jiang, and Feihu Zhang. Study of deterministic surface micro-texture generation in ultra-precision grinding considering wheel oscillation. Optics Express, 2022, 30(4): 5329-5346.
[3] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Zhirong Liao, Chi Fai Cheung, Zhuangde Jiang, Feihu Zhang. Curvature effect on surface topography and uniform scallop height control in normal grinding of optical curved surface considering wheel vibration [J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(6): 8041-8063.
[4] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Chi Fai Cheung*, Tao Liu; Duanzhi Duan, Lai Ting Ho, Zhuangde Jiang, Study on the surface generation mechanism during ultra-precision parallel grinding of SiC ceramics, Crystals. 2023, 13(4), 646. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13040646.
[5] Shanshan Chen, Chi Fai Cheung*, Feihu Zhang, Lai Ting Ho, Chenyang Zhao. Theoretical and experimental investigation of tool path control strategy for uniform surface generation in ultra-precision grinding, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019, 103(9–12):4307–4315.
[6] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Chi Fai, Cheung, Lai Ting Ho, Feihu Zhang. Suppression strategy of micro-waviness error in ultra-precision parallel grinding. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2022, 5: 423–429.
[7] Shanshan Chen, Chifai Cheung*, Feihu Zhang. Optimization of tool path for uniform scallop-height in ultra-precision grinding of free-form surfaces. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology. 2019, 2: 215-224.
[8] Shanshan Chen, Chifai Cheung*, Feihu Zhang, Chenyang Zhao. Three-dimensional modelling and simulation of vibration marks on surface generation in ultra-precision grinding. Precision Engineering. 2018, 53:221-235.
[9] Shanshan Chen*, Chifai Cheung, Feihu Zhang. An experimental and theoretical analysis of surface generation in ultra-precision grinding of hard and brittle materials, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018, 97:2715-2729.
[10] Shanshan Chen*, Chifai Cheung, Chenyang Zhao, Feihu Zhang. Simulated and measured surface roughness in high-speed grinding of silicon carbide wafers, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2017, 91(1-4):719-730.
[1] Shanshan Chen*, Guofeng Zhang. Error Allocation in the Design of Precision Machines. Precision Manufacturing. Precision Machines. Springer. 2020, 207-232.
[2] Shanshan Chen*. Processing Techniques of Critical Components. Precision Manufacturing. Precision Machines. Springer. 2020, 315-352.
[3] Shanshan Chen*. General Manufacturing Processes. Precision Machining Process and Technology. Springer. Singapore. 2025, 1-29.
[4] Shanshan Chen*. Manufacturing Processes of Brittle Materials. Precision Machining Process and Technology. Springer. Singapore. 2025, 1-35.
[5] Shanshan Chen*. Manufacturing Processes of Optical Materials. Precision Machining Process and Technology. Springer. Singapore. 2025, 1-32.
[6] Shanshan Chen*. The Future of Precision Manufacturing Technologies. Precision Machining Process and Technology. Springer. Singapore. 2025, 1-6.
[7] Chen Li, Chongjun Wu, Binbin Meng, Shanshan Chen. Special Issue: Processing Technology of Brittle Crystal Materials. Crystals, ISBN 978-3-0365-8866-7 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-8867-4 (PDF).
[1] Shanshan Chen, Chengwei Kang*, Chi Fai, Cheung, Zhuangde Jiang, Lai Ting Ho, Shuming Yang*. Research on surface generation in the ultraprecision parallel grinding of curved surfaces. 8th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2022).
[2] Shanshan Chen, Shuming Yang*, Chi Fai, Cheung, Lai Ting Ho, Feihu Zhang. Suppression strategy of micro-waviness error in the ultra-precision parallel grinding. 7th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2020) (优秀论文).
[3] Shanshan Chen*, Chi Fai Cheung, Feihu Zhang. A study of optimized tool path for uniform scallop-height in ultra-precision grinding of freeform surfaces. 6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2018) (优秀论文).
[1] Mingzhi Yu, Libo Zhao, Shanshan Chen*, Xiangguang Han, Chen Jia*, Yong Xia, Xiaozhang Wang, Yonglu Wang, Ping Yang, Dejiang Lu, Zhuangde Jiang. Monolithically integrated triaxial high-performance micro accelerometers with position-independent pure axial stressed piezoresistive beams. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2023, 9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41378-022-00474-z.
[2] Zheng Yuan, Song Feng, Shanshan Chen*, Weixuan Jing*, Libo Zhao, Zhuangde Jiang. A ferromagnetic particle sensor based on a honeycomb permanent magnet for high precision and high throughput. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022, 71:1-9.
[1] 陈杉杉. 复杂光学元件超精密磨削加工多尺度表面形成机理. 2023第四届《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》杂志青年学者论坛, 厦门, 2023年8月25日.
[2] 陈杉杉. 复杂光学元件超精密磨削表面形成机理. 2023年世界光子大会暨第12届国际应用光学与光子学技术交流大会(AOPC2023), 北京, 2023年7月25日.
[3] 陈杉杉. 基于相移调制的高精度微结构阵列超精密磨削技术. 2022年国际先进光学制造青年科学家论坛特邀报告(YSAOM 2022),长春, 2022年7月30日.
[4] 陈杉杉. 超精密磨削表面生成机理. 2022年精密工程研究所25周年特邀报告会议, 西安交通大学, 2022年4月26日 (青年学者优秀报告奖).