
黄光汉,广东工业大学“青年百人计划”A类人才,美国机械工程学会(ASME)高级会员,香港理工大学(QS Ranking 65)博士后,分别获得中、美两国双博士学位(华南理工大学2018,美国南卡罗莱纳大学2021)。主要从事微纳表面功能结构先进制造技术及其在芯片封装热管理中的应用等研究工作,主持广东省自然科学基金2项,广州市基础与应用基础研究基金1项,国家重点实验室开放课题1项,参与美国和香港项目5项。相关成果已在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Cell Report Physical Science、Nano-Micro Letter、Advanced Science、Carbon和Energy等国际知名刊物发表SCI论文22篇,其中TOP期刊17篇;以第一作者身份发表论文8篇,包含7篇SCI论文(包括中科院1区TOP 3篇、工程技术类2区1篇、JCR Q1期刊1篇)和1篇知名国际会议论文。所发表的SCI论文被引数累计595次,h指数为13。获得授权发明专利7件,包括美国发明专利2件。此外,获得2022年度国际奖项“TechConnect全球创新奖”(当年香港理工大学仅获三项)。担任Sustainable Energy Review、Case Studies in Thermal Engineering、Experimental thermal and fluid science、International Communication of heat and mass transfer等国际著名学术杂志审稿人。
1. 2022-09 至 今, 广东工业大学, 机电工程学院(机电系), 青年百人,特聘副教授
2. 2020-08 至 2022-07, 香港理工大学,应用科学与纺织学院,博士后,合作导师:Prof. Dahua Shou
3. 2016-02 至 2020-07, 美国南卡罗莱纳大学, 机械工程系, 高级研究助理
4. 2012-07 至 2013-07, 珠海兴业新能源科技有限公司, 热能研究所, 研究实习生
1. 2016-02 至 2021-08, 美国南卡罗莱纳大学(University of South Carolina), 机械工程系, 博士,导师:Prof. Chen Li
2. 2011-09 至 2018-12, 华南理工大学, 机械制造及其自动化(硕博连读), 博士,导师: 汤勇教授
3. 2014-09至2015-09,美国南卡罗莱纳大学(University of South Carolina),机械工程系,国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士生
4. 2007-09 至 2011-06, 华南理工大学, 机械工程及其自动化, 学士
1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会, 自然科学基金-面上项目, 微通道内有序高比表表面结构的激光复合电沉积成形及强化传热机制, 2024-01 至 2026-12, 15万元, 在研, 主持
2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会, 区域联合基金-青年基金, 基于激光导引电沉积的规律分布高比表结构可控制造及传热机制, 2023-10 至 2026-09, 10万元, 在研, 主持
3. 广州市基础与应用基础研究基金(省部级项目),青年博士“启航”项目,微通道表面图案化高比表结构的激光电沉积耦合成形及强化传热机理, 2024-04至2026-03, 5万,在研,主持
4. 省部共建精密电子制造技术与装备国家重点实验室2023年开放课题,基板嵌入式微通道的表面热质传输结构成形及传热机理,2024-01 至 2025-12, 5万,在研,主持
5. 广东共工业大学青年百人A配套科研经费,基于三维封装高热流密度芯片热管理关键技术研究,2022/09-2027/08,10万,在研,主持
1. 香港研究資助局(GRF/ECS),Design and Modeling of Electricity-Regulated Wicking Fabric for Personal Moisture Management, 2022-2024, PI:Prof Dahua Shou, 结题,参与
2. 香港创新科技署(HKRITA),Development of soft robotic clothing for adaptive thermal management, 2021-2023, PI:Prof Dahua Shou, 结题,参与
3. 香港创新科技署(HKRITA), Nature Inspired Fabric for Unidirectional Liquid Transport, 2020-03 至 2022-03, 256万元, PI:Prof Dahua Shou, 结题, 参与
4. 美国电力研究所 (EPRI), Innovative and Ultra-efficient Evaporators to Realize Cost-effective Desalination, 2017-04至2020-04,33.0万美元, PI: Prof. Chen Li, 结题,参与
5. 美国国家科学基金会(NSF), On-demand Sweating-Boosted Air Cooled Heat-Pipe Condensers for Green Power Plants, 2014-05至2018-04, 67.5万美元, PI: Chen Li, 结题,参与
1.G. Huang, X. Wei, Y. Gu, Z. Kang, L. Li, J. Fan, and D. Shou, 2021, Heterogeneously engineered porous materials and structures for directional and asymmetric liquid transport, Cell Reports Physical Science, (2021) 100710(第一作者,JCR Q1, IF: 8.9, 引用10次)
2.G. Huang, W. Li, J. Ma, C. Ren, and C. Li, High Frequency Alternating Nucleate Boiling of Water Enabled by Microslot Arrays in Microchannels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150 (2020) 119271(第一作者,中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
3.G. Huang, W. Li, G. Zhong, A. A Abdulshaheed, C. Li, Optimizing L-shaped heat pipes with partially-hybrid mesh-groove wicking structures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 170 (2021) 120926(第一作者,中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
4. G. Huang, K. Tang, S. Yu, S. Zhang1, and Y. Tang, 2021, Enhanced pool boiling heat transfer by metallic nanoporous surfaces under low pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 184 (2022) 122382(第一作者,中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
5.G. Huang, J. Liao, C. Fan, S. Liu, W. Miao, Y. Zhang, S. Ta, G. Yang, C. Cui, Gradient-Pattern Micro-Grooved Wicks Fabricated by the Ultraviolet Nanosecond Laser Method and Their Enhanced Capillary Performance, Micromachines, 15(1) (2024)(第一作者,中科院工程技术类3区, IF:3.4)
6.G. Huang, Yuan, W., Tang, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, S., and Lu, L., 2017, "Enhanced capillary performance in axially grooved aluminium wicks by alkaline corrosion treatment," Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science, 82, pp. 212-221(第一作者,中科院工程技术类2区, IF:3.37,引用28次)
7.G. Huang, Tang, Y., Wang, P., Lu, L., and Yuan, W., 2018, "Thermal Characterisation of Micro Flat Aluminium Heat Pipe Arrays by Varying Working Fluid and Inclination Angle," Applied Sciences, 8(7), p. 1052(第一作者,JCR Q2, IF:2.838)
8.G. Huang, A. Abdulshaheed, W. Chang, C. Li, An Evaluation of Hybrid Wick Design on High Performance Copper-Ethanol Heat Pipes, Joint 18th International Heat Pipe Conference and 12th International Heat Pipe Symposium, Jeju, Korea, June 12-16, 2016(第一作者,第18届国际热管会议)
9.S.D. Xue, G. Huang, Q. Chen, X.A. Wang, J.T. Fan, D.H. Shou, Personal Thermal Management by Radiative Cooling and Heating, Nano-Micro Letters, 16(1) (2024). (工程技术类 1区TOP期刊, IF:26.6)
10.Peng, B., G. Huang, Wang, P., Li, W., Chang, W., Ma, J., and Li, C., 2019, "Effects of thermal conductivity and density on phase change materials-based thermal energy storage systems," Energy, 172, pp. 580-591.(工程技术类 1区TOP期刊, IF:8.85)
11.W.S. Suen, G. Huang, Z. Kang, Y. Gu, J. Fan, D. Shou, Development of wearable air-conditioned mask for personal thermal management, Building and Environment, 205 (2021) 108236.(工程技术类 1 区 TOP 期刊, IF:7.09)
12.W. Chang, G. Huang, K. Luo, P. Wang, C. Li, Ultra-efficient heat pipes enabled by nickel-graphene nanocomposite coatings: Concept and fundamentals, Carbon: An International Journal Sponsored by the American Carbon Society, (191) (2022) 191.(工程技术类 1 区 TOP 期刊, IF:11.30)
13.P. Wang, G. Huang, W. Chang, M. Alwazzan, B. Peng, A. AAbdulshaheed, Y. Zhao, C. Li, A laboratory scale heat pipe condenser with sweating boosted air cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 170(2020)114915.(工程技术类 2区 TOP期刊,IF:6.46)
14.Wang, P., Chang, W., G. Huang, Alwazzan, M., Peng, B., Alam, T., and Li, C., 2019, "Superwetting copper hydroxyl nitrate wicks for the sweating-boosted air cooling on finned tubes," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, pp. 677-685. (中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
15.Abdulshaheed, A. A., Wang, P., G. Huang, and Li, C., 2019, "High performance copper-water heat pipes with nanoengineered evaporator sections," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133, pp. 474-486. (中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
16.Ahmed A Abdulshaheed, Pengtao Wang, G. Huang, Yueyang Zhao, Chen Li, Filling ratio optimization for high performance nanoengineered copper-water heat pipes, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, (2021)1-28. (SCI 期刊)
17.Deng, D., Tang, Y., G. Huang, Lu, L., and Yuan, D., 2013, "Characterization of capillary performance of composite wicks for two-phase heat transfer devices," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 56(1-2), pp. 283-293. (中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
18.Y. Tang, D. Deng, G. Huang, Z. Wan, L. Lu, Effect of fabrication parameters on capillary performance of composite wicks for two-phase heat transfer devices, Energy conversion and management, 66 (2013) 66-76. (中科院1区TOP期刊, IF: 10.4)
19.M. Famouri, M.M. Abdollahzadeh, A. Abdulshaheed, G. Huang, G. Carbajal, C. Li, Transient analysis of a cylindrical heat pipe considering different wick structures, in: Heat Transfer Summer Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016, pp. V002T008A023.
20.C. Ren, W. Li, J. Ma, G. Huang, C. Li, Flow boiling in microchannels enhanced by parallel microgrooves fabricated on the bottom surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 166 (2021) 120756. (中科院力学与热力学类1区TOP期刊, IF: 5.431)
1.寿大华; 黄光汉; 邹超; 吴世同; 陈秋秋; 周彧峰; 彭海燕; 潘嘉丽 ; 一种纸尿裤内部微气候热湿环境计算方法和系统, 2023-09-08, 中国, CN202310393847.X (授权发明专利)
2.寿大华;黄光汉;范金土;孙咏诗; 空气调节的面罩, 2022-08-16,中国, CN202180003814.9 (授权发明专利)
3.汤勇;黄光汉;张仕伟;陆龙生;付婷;罗文杰;一种辐射状渐宽式翅结构沟槽平板热管及加工方法,中国, CN102706193B (授权发明专利)
4.汤勇;黄光汉;沈玉琴;陆龙生;付婷;韩晓东;一种用于在平板上犁削沟槽的单边浮动夹具,中国, CN10273735B(授权发明专利)
5.刘辉龙; 柯晓春; 陈云; 陈新; 黄光汉; 陈桪; 高健 ; 强毛细效应石墨烯负载金属氧化物薄膜的加工方法和产品, 2023-11-03, 中国, CN202310360304.8 (授权发明专利)
6. Dahua Shou, Guanghan Huang, Jintu Fan, Wing Sze Suen, Air-Conditioned Facemask, 2023-11-16, 美国, 18246885 (授权国际发明专利)
7.Chen Li; Jamil Khan; Xinyu Huang; Tanvir Farouk; Raikan Dawas; Wei Chang; Pengtao Wang; Mohammad Alwazzan; Guanghan Huang ; On-demand Sweating-Boosted Air Cooled Heat-Pipe Condensers, 2020-11-26, 美国, 16824777 (授权国际发明专利)
1. 2022年度TechConnect全球创新奖(Omni-cool-breath 智能空调口罩), TechConnect 世界创新会议暨博览会2022, 排名: 3/3, 寿大华; 范金土; 黄光汉,(国际学术奖)
2. 2023年佛山市高价值专利成果转移转化大赛银奖(题目:用于电子制造的新型纳米金属材料及应用), 佛山市高价值专利成果转移转化大赛执委会, 排名:4/10,杨冠南; 崔成强; 张昱; 黄光汉; 余胜涛; 何小玲; 李泽波; 廖嘉威; 笪贤豪; 张文健,(市级专利奖)
3. 2023年度广东工业大学机电工程学院“比先争优”学院建设奉献奖
4. 2022年度广东工业大学 “工会积极分子”
5. 2017年“华南理工大学大学优秀博士学位论文创新基金”资助
地址: 广州市番禺区大学城外环西路100号工学二号馆626
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guanghan-Huang