张 定 ZHANG DING 2019年香江学者
Email:dingzhang361@163.com, zhangding@gdut.edu.cn
张定,副教授,1988年5月出生,2017年西安交通大学机械工程专业毕业获工学博士学位,2019年香江学者,广东工业大学硕士生导师。长期从事智能制造系统、系统可靠性方面的相关理论与技术研究,研究兴趣集中在智能制造系统建模与优化、车间性能评估及优化、数字孪生技术、制造系统可靠性技术等方面。担任制造与可靠性领域多个国际期刊(Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Robotics and computer Integrated Manufacturing等)审稿工作。曾获广东省技术发明一等奖,香江学者奖等。
另,参与筹建广东工业大学机电工程学院新专业“智能制造工程”、参与筹建 省部共建精密电子制造装备与技术国家重点实验室 等科研与教学工作
2019.10-2021.10 香港城市大学系统工程与工程管理系,2019香江学者
2017.9-2022.9 广东工业大学机电工程学院 青年百人计划引进人才
2022-现今 广东工业大学机电工程学院 副教授
科研项目 :
[1] 国家自然科学青年基金,支持高频换产的模块化手机装配线轻量化重构与脆性调控方法(51805095),24万,2019-2021,结题,主持
[2] 国家自然科学面上基金,扰动下的离散制造车间动力学建模与弹性调控方法(72271067),45万,2023-2026,在研,主持
[3] 广东省国际合作计划,电子装配车间智能运维与测试分析优化技术,100万,2022-2024,在研,校方主持
[4] 香江学者计划,系统可靠性建模、分析与决策,36万港币+36万人民币,2019-2021,结题,主持,合作导师:谢旻教授
[5] 广东省自然科学基金,小样本类人学习驱动的生产线定制智能化设计方法,10万,2019-2022,结题,主持
[6] 校内青年教师培育项目,数字孪生驱动的手机装配线快速重构方法与技术,10万,结题,主持
[7] 校内青年百人计划科研启动项目,柔性智能车间脆性分析与调控方法研究,10万,结题,主持
[8] 国家重点研发计划,面向3C制造产业集聚区域的网络协同制造集成技术研究与示范(2019YFB1706200),2019.11-2022.11,在研,728万,项目骨干
[9] 广东省重点研发计划,面向3C行业机器人生产线的智能化三维设计与仿真优化系统(2019B090916002),1000万,2019.1-2021.12,结题,项目骨干
[1] 2019年香江学者奖(1/1),“系统可靠性建模、分析与决策”;
[2] 2020年广东省技术发明一等奖(12/15),“电子制造柔性产线变型设计与优化关键技术及应用”。
[1] Zhang D, Xie M, Yan H, Liu Q*, Resilience dynamics modeling and control for a reconfigurable electronic assembly line under spatio-temporal disruptions, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021, 60: 852-863. (SCI: UI6TZ).
[2] Zhang D*, Jiewu Leng, Min Xie, Hong Yan, Qiang Liu*, Digital twin enabled optimal reconfiguration of the semi-automatic electronic assembly line with frequent changeovers, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2022, 77: 102343.
[3] Zhang D*, Pei Yu, Liu Q, Vulnerability Evaluation for a Smartphone Digital Twin Workshop under Temporal and Spatial Disruptions, Machines, 2022, 10(9), 752.
[4] Zhang D, Liu Q*, Yan H, Xie M, A matrix analytic approach for Bayesian network modeling and inference of a manufacturing system, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021, 60: 202-213. (SCI: UI8PE).
[5] Zhang D*, Zhang YJ, Yu MR, et al. Reliability evaluation and component importance measure for manufacturing systems based on failure losses[J], Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017, 28(8) 1859-1869. (SCI: FL2VW).
[6] Fang L, Liu Q, Zhang D*, A digital twin-oriented lightweight approach for 3D assemblies, Machines, 2021, 9, 231. (SCI: WS8LF).
[7] Leng Jiewu, Chen Ziying, Huang Zhiqiang, Zhu Xiaofeng, Su Hongye, Lin Zisheng, Zhang Ding*, Secure Blockchain Middleware for Decentralized IIoT towards Industry 5.0: A Review of Architecture, Enablers, Challenges, and Directions, Machines, 2022, 10(10):858.
[8] Zhang D*, Zhang YJ. Dynamic decision-making for reliability and maintenance analysis of manufacturing systems based on failure effects[J], Enterprise Information Systems, 2017, 11(8): 1228-1242 (SCI: FA3NK).
[9] Zhang D*, Zhang YJ, Yu MR. A machining process oriented modeling approach for reliability optimization of failure-prone manufacturing systems[J], Journal of Engineering Research, 2016, 4(3): 128-143 (SCI: DY6TE).
[10] Zhang D*, Zhang YJ, Yu MR, et al. Reliability defects identification of serial production systems: application to a piston production line[J], Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2014, 39(12): 9113-9125 (SCI: AU4MH).
[11] 胡江飞,张定*,刘强,陈勇坤,带有限缓冲区生产线脆性量化评估,机械设计与制造,2021,08:135-140.(通讯作者)
[12] Zhang D*, Pei Y, Liu Q, Quality-Reliability Coupled Network Modeling and Importance Measure of Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems via Network Controllability undefinedysis, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 8: 2297-3079.
[13] Zhang D*, Liu Q, Reliability evaluation of production systems with finite buffers subject to time-dependent and operation-dependent failures, Annals of Operations Research, 2022, Major revision.
[14] Zhang D*, Liu Q, Reconfiguration design, low-carbon operation and maintenance for electronic assembly systems via a stochastic dynamics model, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022, Under review.
[15] Zhang D, Zhang YJ, Yu MR. Probabilistic model checking for reliability and safety analysis of a flexible manufacturing cell[C], The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2013, Amsterdam, Holland (EI: 20142017723023).
[16] Zhang D, Zhang YJ, Gao ZY. Reconfiguration optimization for manufacturing network in terms of reliability analysis[C], IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2015, Lijiang, China (EI: 20161102092986).
[17] Zhang D, Zhang YJ, Yu MR. A simulation method of three-dimensional shape measurement System based on texture mapping and ray-tracing algorithm[C], International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology, 2012, Xi’an, China (EI: 20122015019170).
[18] Zhang D, Zhang YJ. Performance and reliability analysis of the robot centered FMS and its configuration optimization[C], 2nd Annual International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanical and Structural Engineering, 2015, Jeju, Korea (ISTP: BG2LC).
[19] Leng JW, Zhang H, Yan DX, Liu Q*, Chen X, and Zhang D. Digital twin-driven manufacturing cyber-physical system for parallel controlling of smart workshop, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2019, 10(3): 1155-1166.
[20] Leng JW, Yan DX, Liu Q*, Xu KL, Zhao JL, Shi R, Wei LJ, Zhang D, and Chen X. "ManuChain: Combining Permissioned Blockchain with a Holistic Optimization Model as Bi-Level Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 2020, 50(1): 182-192.
[21] Zhang H, Liu Q, Chen X, Zhang D, and Leng JW. A digital twin-based approach for designing and multi-objective optimization of hollow glass production line. IEEE Access. 2017, 5: 26901-26911. (SCI, IF=3.5)
[22] Yu MR, Zhang YJ, Li YL, Zhang D, Adaptive sampling method for inspection planning on CMM for free-form surfaces[J], The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 67(9): 1967-1975 (SCI:190GB).
[23] Yu MR, Zhang YJ, Chen K, Zhang D, Integration of process planning and scheduling in a real manufacturing environment using a hybrid GA/PSO algorithm[J], The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 78(1): 583-592 (SCI: CE0SU).
[24] Yu MR, Zhang YJ, Gao JM, Zhang D, Optimal preventive maintenance schedule for single multi-functional machine using a modified reliability-centered method[C], The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2013, Amsterdam, Holland (EI: 20142017722775).
[1] 张定,陈勇坤,刘强,肖万余,曾嘉伟,一种支持高频换产的手机装配线,发明专利(ZL2019101564042.0),授权。
[2] 张定,陈勇坤,刘强,程铄,袁涛,一种基于生产损失的多态生产系统重要度分析方法、装置,发明专利(ZL201811392872.1),授权。
[3] 张定,陈勇坤,刘强,肖万余,曾嘉伟,一种基于改进FMEA的生产线可靠性改进分析方法、系统,发明专利(ZL201910549876.4),授权。
[4] 张定,邓彦锋,刘强,裴瑜,一种装配生产线脆性时间窗度量方法与弹性控制系统,发明专利(ZL202011518609.X),授权
[5] 张定,程铄,刘强,陈勇坤,肖万余,一种基于数字孪生模型的制造系统故障溯源方法、系统,发明专利(ZL201910564042.0),授权。
[6] 刘强,张定,陈新, 电子产品生产线虚拟换产生产变更方法,2019-5648881,日本发明专利(6892705),授权
[7] Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng, Ding Zhang, Xin Chen, WEI, Lijun. Quick customization design method and system for intelligent workshop. PCT/CN2018/109855
[8] Qiang Liu, Ding Zhang, Xin Chen, Jiewu Leng, Hao Zhang. Virtual product switching method for electronic product production line. PCT/CN2018/109848.