刘桂贤,博士,副教授,广东工业大学青年百人,机电工程学院,在精密特种加工领域发表论文10余篇,其中SCI收录6篇(第一作者,4篇,其中2篇发表在International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture期刊上),EI收录1篇;已授权10项国家发明专利。主持国家基金项目2项、广东省科技计划项目1项、一等博士后基金项目1项、获广东省科技进步奖(一等奖)1项。主要研究方向:精密特种加工工艺与装备开发(超声辅助电解加工)、精密运动平台及控制器研发(硬件电路与FPGA/STM32程序开发)、精密位移传感器设计及信号处理。
2010.09—2016.06 硕博 广东工业大学
2006.09—2010.07 学士 广东白云学院
2018.07—至今 副教授 广东工业大学
2017.07—2018.06 访问学者 东京农工大学
2016.07—2018.06 博士后 广东工业大学
1. 国家自然科学面上基金项目:变频式强驻波声场微细电解加工高深宽比微结构的机理及工艺研究,主持;2023.01-2026.12。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:高能脉冲态气液辅助电解加工高深宽比微结构的基础研究,主持;
3. 中国博士后科学基金(一等):高压脉冲气体辅助电解加工工艺研究,主持;
4. 广东省科技计划项目:氙灯钨阳极表面密集微沟槽电解放电加工关键技术研究,主持。
1. Guixian Liu; Yongjun Zhang; Wataru Natsu ; Influence of electrolyte flow mode on
characteristics of electrochemical machining with electrolyte suction tool, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2019, 142: 66-75. (SCI,一区)
2. G.X. Liu, Y.J. Zhang, S.Z. Jiang. Investigation of pulse electrochemical sawing machining of micro-inner annular groove on metallic tube [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2016, 102: 22-34. (SCI,一区)
3. Gang Zheng; Yu Deng; Jianzhou Cai; Yongjun Zhang; Guixian Liu ; Study on cuttingperformance of ceramic rock slab machined by rotating ultrasonic vibration, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 123(1): 3901-3915. (SCI,三区)
4. G.X. Liu, H.P. Luo, Y.J. Zhang. Pulse electrochemical machining of large lead ball nut raceway using a spherical cathode[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 85: 191- 200. (SCI,三区);
5. G.X.Liu, Y.J. Zhang, Y. Deng. The tool design and experiments on pulse electrochemical machining of micro-channel arrays on metallic bipolar plate using multifunctional cathode[J], The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 89: 407-416. (SCI,三区,影响因子:2.209)
6. H.Y. Wei, G. Wang, G.X. Liu. Formation of porous hydrophobic stainless steel surfaces by maskless electrochemical machining [J]. surface engineering, 2016, 32(2): 132-138 (SCI).
7. S.Z Jiang, Z.G Guo, G.X Liu (2017) A Rapid One-Step Process for Fabrication of Biomimetic Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Pulse Electrodeposition. Materials, doi:10.3390/ma10111229 (SCI, 二区).
8. G.X. Liu. Study on electrochemical machining characteristics of SiC material, 2017年度 精密工学会秋 季大会论文集, 2017, 107-108.
9. Y.J. Zhang,H.P. Luo,G.X. Liu. Research on Power Supply and Control System of WEDM Cutting of Stress-notches in Fracture Splitting Processing of Connecting Rod. Procedia CIRP, 2013, 6: 250-254. 8. Hongping Luo, Guixian Liu, Yongjun Zhang. Flow field design and experiments on pulse ECM of large-lead ball nut raceway during tool cutting-out stage. Procedia CIRP, 2018;
1. 刘桂贤;马世赫;林艳邦;罗红平;张清荣;一种高度定域聚焦超声波辅助电加工装置及方法,2022-3-18, 中国, 202110417563 .0 (发明专利)
2. 刘桂贤;李志超;马世赫;周佐霖;林艳邦;一种压电微动可偏心旋转柱状电极微细电加工装置及其制备方法, 2022-5-13, 中国, 202110535897.8 (发明专利)
3. 刘桂贤;蔡建洲;区仕雄;邓宇;郑港;谢志军;邓爱忠;张永俊, 2022-5-13, 中国, ZL202204451 (发明专利)