[1] 2010.01-now,英国皇家特许工程师,英国电气工程师(制造)学会资深会员(fellow);美国机械工程师学会资深会员(fellow);香港工程师(制造与工业工程)学会资深会员(fellow);香港工程师学会制造与工业工程分会理事(曾任秘书长);美国工业工程师学会(香港)会员;
[2] 1998.01-now,《大批量定制国际杂志》主编辑;《机器人与计算机集成制造国际杂志》编委成员(1998-2003);《互联网与企业管理国际杂志》编委成员;《工程设计杂志》编委成员;《面向X的设计》参考书主编;《计算机集成制造国际杂志》关于“互联网集成制造”特辑主编;《集成制造系统》国际杂志关于“数码制造与电子商贸”特辑主编;《并行工程:研究与应用》国际杂志关于“并行企业化与大批量定制”特辑主编;《人工智能与工程设计和制造》国际杂志关于“平台产品开发与大批量定制”特辑主编; 《计算机集成制造国际杂志》关于“中国网络化制造与大批量定制”特辑主编之一。;
[3] 2001.01-now,西安交通大学客座教授,中国科大客座教授、博导;
[4] 2001.01-now,第一、二、三届“电子商贸工程”国际会议学术委员会主任之一(会议发起人之一);多个国际杂志和会议的论文评审员;多个国际会议的科学或筹备委员会成员和小组会议主席。
[1]Huang G.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Jiang, P.Y., 2007, RFID-Based Wireless Manufacturing for Walking-Worker Assembly Islands with Fixed-Position Layouts, International Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacture, Vol 23/4 pp 469-477;
[2]Huang G.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Jiang, P.Y., 2007, RFID-Based wireless manufacturing for real-time management of job shop WIP inventories, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 7-8(36), 752-764;
[3]Huang, GQ., Wright, PK., Newman, ST., 2007, Wireless Manufacturing: a literature review, recent developments and case studies, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 22, Issue 7 July 2009 , pages 1 - 16;
[4]Huang G.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Chen, X., Newman, ST., 2008, RFID-Enabled Real-Time Wireless Manufacturing for Adaptive Assembly Planning and Control, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol 19, No 6, 701-713;
[5] Zhang, Y.F., Jiang, P.Y.,Huang G.Q., 2008, RFID-Based Smart Kanbans for Just-In-Time Manufacturing, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 33, No. 1-2, 170-184;
[6]Huang G.Q., Zhang X. and Lo V.H.Y., Integrated configuration of platform products and supply chains for mass customization: a game-theoretic approach, Journal of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2005;
[7]Huang G.Q., Zhang X. and Liang L., Towards integrated optimal configuration of platform products, manufacturing processes, and supply chains, Journal of Operations Management, 2005, 23, 267-290;
[8]Huang G.Q., Simpson T.W. and Pine II B.J., The power of product platforms in mass customization, International Journal of Mass Customization, 2005, 1(1), 1-13;
[9]Huang G.Q., Lau S.K. and Mak K.L., The impacts of sharing production information on supply chain dynamics: a review of the literature, International Journal of Production Research, 2003, 41(7), 1483-1517;
[10]Huang G.Q., Lau S.K., Mak K.L. and Liang L., Distributed supply-chain project rescheduling: part I: Impacts of information-sharing strategies, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 43, Number 24, 15Dec2005, 5107 – 5129;
[11]Huang G.Q., Lau S.K., Mak K.L. and Liang L., Distributed supply-chain project rescheduling, part II - Distributed affected operations rescheduling algorithm, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 44, Number 1, January 2006 Pages: 1 – 25;
[12] Lau S.K.,Huang G.Q., Mak K.L. and Liang L., Distributed project scheduling with information sharing in supply chains: part I - An agent-based negotiation model, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 43, Number 22, November 2005 Pages: 4813 – 4838;
[13] Lau S.K.,Huang G.Q., Mak K.L. and Liang L., Distributed project scheduling with information sharing in supply chains: part II - Theoretical analysis and computational study, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 43, Number 23, December 2005 Pages: 4899 – 4927;
[14] Lau S.K.,Huang G.Q., Mak K.L. and Liang L., An agent-based information model for distributed supply chain scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, 2006;
[15] Lau S.K.,Huang G.Q.and Mak K.L., Impact of information sharing on inventory replenishment in divergent supply chains, International Journal of Production Research, 2004, 42(5), 919-941;
[16]Huang G.Q., Qu T., Cheung D.W.L. and Liang L., Extensible multi-agent system for optimal design of complex systems using analytical target cascading, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 2006.
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Email: quting@gdut.edu.cn