    郭钟宁 教授
    来源: 时间:2019-05-30 浏览:


    郭钟宁简介:博士、教授、博士生导师,机电工程学院学位委员会主任,广东省特支计划教学名师,全国模范教师。机械基础系列课程国家教学团队负责人,中国机械工程学会特种加工分会常务理事,广东省机械工程学会常务理事。教育部机械设计制造及其自动化专业教学指导委员会委员(2000-2012)。获香港理工大学博士学位,英国利物浦大学高级访问学者。研究主要集中在特种(非传统)加工技术与工艺、超精密及微纳加工理论,加工过程的检测与控制。主持国家自然科学基金、863项目等国家及省部级项目20多项。发表论文200多篇,其中被SCI/EI收录80余篇,授权发明专利60多件, 获广东省科学技术二等奖2项,国家教学成果二等奖1项,省一等奖1项,二等奖2项。


    1978.2-1982.1 江南大学 机械设计专业 获得学士学位;

    1986.9-1989.2 南京航空航天大学 机械工程专业 获得硕士学位;

    1994.6-1997.8 香港理工大学 制造工程专业 获得博士学位;

    2004.5-2004.9 英国利物浦大学 工程学院 访问学者; .


    2002.12-至今 广东工业大学机电工程学院教授

    2007.10-2017.9 工程训练国家示范中心主任

    2004.1-2016.10 广东工业大学机电工程学院院长

    1999.10-2003.12 广东工业大学机电工程学院副院长

    1997.10-2002.11 广东工业大学机电工程学院副教授

    1989.3-1994.6 广东工学院机电系讲师

    1982.3-1986.7 江南大学(无锡轻工业学院)助教










    国家基金广东省联合基金重点项目(U1601201合作承担)难加工材料薄壁微槽板精密电解加工的基础研究 2017.1-2020.12




    国家自然科学基金(51575113) 扫描电极掩模微电解放电加工表面织构新方法及应用基础研究 2016.1-2019.12


    国家自然科学基金(51175091)激光诱导空化微制造新技术及应用基础研究 2012.1-2015.12




    广东省科技计划项目(2012Z102236)创新方法推广应用中心 2012.9-2016.10


    广州市科技计划项目(2009Z2-D611)感应式超声磨削机床关键技术研究 2010.7-2013.8


    国家863计划重点项目子项(2009AA044206)特殊材料复杂型面电解加工技术与装备 2009.7-2011.9


    教育部博士点专项基金激光诱导空化微加工技术研究 2009.1-2011.12


    国家自然科学基金(50775046)自体微火花显微焊接新技术及机理研究 2008.1-2010.12


    广州市科技计划项目(2006Z3-D0261)微型电感器自动化生产装备开发与关键技术研究 2007.6-2010.9


    国家自然科学基金(50575046)线型复合工具电化学-机械高效螺旋式切割成型金属材料新方法研究 2006.1-2008.12


    广东省科技计划项目(2005B10201016)三维微零件微结构加工装备开发与关键技术研究 2005.9-2007.8


    广州市科技计划项目(2004Z3-D0051)三维微细展成电解加工技术与装备的开发研究 2005.7-2007.6


    国家自然科学基金(50375029) 流体二维振动物理-化学复合超光滑表面加工新技术 2004.1-2006.12


    广东省科技计划项目(2003C102036)时空并行控制电火花电解超大厚度高效率线切割成型关键技术研究 2003.9-2005.8


    广东省自然科学基金(020144)三维微细展成电解加工研究 郭钟宁2002.1-2004.12






























    1. Jiang, Shuzhen; Guo, Zhongning, et.al ,A Rapid One-Step Process for Fabrication of Biomimetic Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Pulse Electrodeposition. Materials (Basel, Switzerland),10(11)2017

    2. T. N. Chen, Z. N. Guo, B. W. Zeng, S. H. Yin, Y. Deng, H. H. Li,Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation of the Punch Forming of Aluminum Foil based on a Laser-induced Cavitation Bubble. Int J Adv Manuf Technol,(6) 2017

    3. Deng, Y; Renaud, P; Guo, ZN ; Huang, ZG ; Chen, Y .Single cell isolation process with laser induced forward transfer.Journal of Biological Engineering. 11(7)2017

    4. Wei, H.,Guo,Z,et.al.Formation of porous hydrophobic stainless steel surfaces by maskless electrochemical machining. Surface Engineering.2016

    5. Chen, Y. J.Yue, T. M.Guo, Z. N.A new laser joining technology for direct-bonding of metals and plastics.Materials & Design.2016

    6. R. Chen, Z.N.Guo, J.W.Liu, T.M.Yue, S.W.Chen. A numerical model and computer simulation for machining particle reinforced metal matrix composites in electric discharge machining. Materials Research Innovations,(19)2015

    7. H S Lian, Z N Guo, J W Liu, Z G Huang, J F He. Experimental study on electrophoretic-assisted micro ultrasonic machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2014

    8. Liu JW, Yue TM , Guo N. Grinding-aided electrochemical discharge machining of particulate reinforced metal matrix composites. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(9-12) 2013,

    9. Xu, Zhenlong; Wu, Fugen; Guo, Zhongning. Shear-wave band gaps tuned in two-dimensional phononic crystals with magnetorheological material, Solid State Communications, v 154, n 1, January, 2013

    10. Li QH, Yue TM, Guo ZN, Lin X. Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy Coatings Deposited on AISI 1045 Steel by the Electrospark Process. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 44A(4)2013

    11. Xu, Zhenlong; Wu, Fugen; Guo, Zhongning. Localized mode of a compression wave in two-dimensional sold phononic crystals. Modern Physics Letters B. Volume 26, Issue 29, 2012

    12. Xu, Zhenlong, Wu, Fugen, Guo, Zhongning Low frequency phononic band structures in two-dimensional arc-shaped phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, 376(33), 2012

    13. Mo, Binghua; Guo,Zhongning; Li, Yuanbo; Huang, Zhigang; Wang, Guan. Mechanism of resistance microwelding of insulated copper wire to phosphor bronze sheet, Materials Transactions, v 52, n 6, June, 2011

    14. Liu, J. W.; Yue, T. M.; Guo, Z. N An analysis of the discharge mechanism in electrochemical discharge machining of particulate reinforced metal matrix composites. International Journal of Machine Tool & Manufacture. V: 50(1): 86-96, 2010

    15. Z.G. Huang, T. M. Yue, K. C. Chan, Z. N. Guo, Flexible dissipative particle dynamics, International Journal of Modern Physics C 21 (9) 2010

    16. Z. G. Huang, Z. N. Guo, T. M. Yue, K. C. Chan, Non-periodic boundary model with soft transition in molecular dynamics simulation, Europhysics Letters 92 (5) 2010

    17. Liu,J.W.,Yue,T.M.,Guo,Z.N. Wire Electrochemical Discharge Machining of Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloy 6061 Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24(4), 2009

    18. Huang, Z.G.;Guo, Z.N.;Chen, X.;Yu, Z.Q.;Yu, T.M.;Lee, W.B. . Microscopic machining mechanism of polishing based on vibrations of liquid; Nanotechnology, v 18, n 10, 14 March ,2007

    19. Zhang, F.L.;Wang, C.Y.;Guo, Z.N.;Chen, J. . Effect of electrical spark discharging parameters on the etching of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond film ;Materials and Manufacturing Processes, v 22, n 7-18, 2007

    20. Huang, Zhigang ,Guo, Zhongning, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of polishing process based on coupling vibrations of liquid, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) ,v 19, n 1, 2006.

    21. Huang Z.G, Guo Z.N. Molecular dynamics simulation For ultra-fine machining, Materials and Manufacturing process, Vol., 21 No.4, 2006

    22. Z.N. Guo, et al.. Computer simulation and characteristic analysis of electrode fluctuation in wire electric discharge machining, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.142, 2003

    23. Z.N. Guo, et al.. Experimental investigation into shaping particle-reinforced material by WEDM-HS, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.129, 2002

    24. Z.N. Guo, et al.. Investigation into polishing process of CVD diamond films, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.17 No.1, 2002

    25. Z.N. Guo, et al.. The design of an ultrasonic polishing tool by the transfer-matrix method, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol.102, 2000

    26. T.C. Lee, Z.N. Guo, et al.. Exploration of shaping Al2O3 conductive ceramic by ultrasonic-aided wire electrical discharge machining, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.12, No.6, 1997

    27. Z.N. Guo, T.C. Lee, T.M. Yue, W.S. Lau. Study on the machining mechanism of WEDM with ultrasonic vibration of wire, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol.67,1997

    28. Z.N. Guo, T.C. Lee, T.M. Yue, W.S. Lau. A study of ultrasonic aided wire electrical