1. 教育与研究经历
l 2015-04-至今 广东工业大学,教授
l 2010-10-2015-04 美国斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)公司,研发部高级工程师
l 2005-09-2010-09 美国肯纳金属公司研发部,高级工程师
l 2005-04-2005-06 美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室,客座研究员
l 2004-05-2004-08 美国能源部布鲁克黑文国家实验室,客座研究员
l 2002-09-2005-08 美国亚利桑那州立大学化学与材料工程系,博士后研究员
l 1998-05-2002-09 美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校材料科学与工程系,获哲学博士学位
l 1995-09-1998-05 北京科技大学材料科学与工程系,获硕士学位
l 1992-07-1995-09 中国有色金属总公司矿产地质研究院超硬材料研究所,助理工程师
l 1988-09-1992-07 北京科技大学材料科学与工程系,获学士学位
2. 研究方向
l 硬质合金及金属基复合材料增材制造研究
l 金刚石及立方氮化硼超硬刀具材料及制备工艺研究:高温高压法制备强韧型超硬刀具材料及制备工艺优化研究
l 硬质合金耐磨性与断裂韧性的优化组合以及超硬材料增韧机理研究:非传统硬质合金及超硬材料显微结构设计及特殊制备工艺研究
3. 职务、兼职和荣誉称号
l 广东工业大学教授、博士士生导师
l 广东石油化工学院客座教授
l 广东岭南师范学院客座教授
l 《硬质合金》杂志编委
l 《材料导报》杂志编委
4. 获奖情况
l 国家级特聘专家
5. 近期发表的主要论文
l Xiaoyan Meng, Wenxin Yang, Xin Deng*, “Research on 3D printing process and properties of diamond–resin composites based on digital light processing”, Diamond & Related Materials 120 (2021) 108715.
l Shidi Li, Xiangyuan Xue, Jiaxing Chen, Tengxuan Lu, Zhe Zhao, Xin Deng*, Zhongliang Lu, Zhongping Wang, Zhangxu Li, and Zhi Qu, Study on the Properties of Coated Cutters on Functionally Graded WC-Co/Ni-Zr Substrates with FCC Phase Enriched Surfaces, Crystals 2021, 11, 1538.
l Shuisheng Zhu, Jie Liu, Xin Deng*, “Modification of strain rate strengthening coefficient for Johnson-Cook constitutive model of Ti6Al4V alloy”, Materials Today Communications (2021) 26: 102016.
l Jinyang Liu, Xin Deng*, Li Zhou, Jian Chen, Miaojun Huang, Shanghua Wu, Bingyao Liu, “Microstructures and mechanical properties of the bilayer functionally graded WC-TiC-Ni/Co cemented carbides”, Materials Chemistry and Physics (2021) 263: 124419.
l Jian Chen, Li Zhou, Xin Deng*, Wei Liu, Jinyang Liu, Hongwei Ji, Shanghua Wu, Jiaxin Liang, Jianhua Ou, Bingyao Liu, “Role of Co content on the gradient microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of bilayer functionally graded cemented carbides”, Materials Chemistry and Physics (2020) 248: 122910.
l Jie Liu, ShuiSheng Zhu, Xin Deng*, JianYe Liu, ZhongPing Wang, Zhi Qu, “Cutting Performance and Wear Behavior of AlTiN and TiAlSiNCoated Carbide Tools During Dry Milling of Ti–6Al–4V”, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (2020) 33:459–470.
l Jian Chen, Miaojun Huang, Zak Zhigang Fang, Mark Koopman, Wei Liu, Xin Deng*, Zhe Zhao, Shaohua Chen, Shanghua Wu, Jianye Liu, Wenjun Qi, Zhongping Wang, “Microstructure analysis of high density WC-Co composite prepared by one step selective laser melting”, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials (2019) 84: 104980-104985.
l Jinyang Liu, Qingyun Dai, Jian Chen, Shaohua Chen, Hongwei Ji, Wei Dua, Xin Deng*, Zhongping Wang, Guangfu Guo, Haipeng Luo, “The two dimensional microstructure characterization of cemented carbides with an automatic image analysis process”, Ceramics International (2017) 43: 14865-14872.
l Jian Chen, Xin Deng*, Manfeng Gong, Wei Liu, Shanghua Wu*, “Research into Preparation and Properties of Graded Cemented Carbides with Face Center Cubic-rich Surface Layer”, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 380: 108-113.
6. 主要专利
l 刘杰,邓欣,伍尚华,吉红伟,肖晓兰,一种增减材制备钛合金零件的方法,CN108526488B;
l 段伟,邓欣,黄淼俊,陈健,吉红伟,陈少华,一种汽车水泵叶轮的制备工艺,CN107737931B;
l 吉红伟,邓欣,包秀兰,陈健,陈少华,伍尚华,一种打印机成型缸及其使用方法,CN108177341B;
l 巫廷基,熊义松,邓欣,明亮,胡子健,一种废气处理净化器及其滤芯的制备方法,CN202110160085.X;
l 倪培燊,邓欣,赵哲,张俊涛,卢洋,陈嘉星,带有三维骨架硬质合金基体的聚晶金刚石复合片制备方法,CN109954883B;
l Xin Deng, Jonathan W. Bitler, US 8016057 B2: Erosion resistant subterranean drill bits having infiltrated metal matrix bodies, 2009-06-19.
l Xin Deng, Harold E. Kelley, US 20080206585 A1: Composite materials comprising a hard ceramic phase and a Cu-Ni-Mn infiltration alloy, 2007-02-22.
l Terry Wayne Kirk, Hongbo Tian, Xin Deng, Debangshu Banerjee, Qingjun Zheng, US 8834786 B2: Carbide pellets for wear resistant applications, 2010-06-30.
l Sike Xia, Xin Deng, Jiaqing Yu, US 20140262537 A1: Cutting element with improved substrate material, 2013-03-15.
l Xin Deng, Debangshu Banerjee, Michael Wilfert, US 9056799 B2: Matrix Powder System and Composite Materials and Articles Made Therefrom, 2010-11-24.
l Mingdong Cai, Gregory T. Lockwood, Xin Deng, Sike Xia, Anthony Griffo, US 20140262542 A1: Downhole tools including ternary boride-based cermet and methods of making the same, 2014-03-14.
l Sike Xia, Xin Deng, US 20150075878 A1: Cutting Element for a Downhole Tool, 2014-09-06.
l Sike Xia, Xin Deng, Nagarajan Balasubramanian, US 20150167394 A1: Cutting Elements for Casing Milling, 2014-12-02.
Email: dengxin@gdut.edu.cn, 2987501903@qq.com