    冷杰武 教授
    来源: 时间:2019-05-30 浏览:


    冷杰武(JIEWU LENG) 教授/博导






    出生年月: 19899

    : 湖南常德

    电子邮件: jwleng@gdut.edu.cn

    联系地址: 广州市番禺大学城外环西路100号工二305-1

    冷杰武,男,19899月生,湖南常德人,西安交通大学2016届机械工程专业博士、香港城市大学博士后、广东工业大学智能制造与机器人所党支书/教授/博导、广东省计算机集成制造重点实验室副主任,省部共建精密电子制造技术与装备国家重点实验室核心成员。入选香江学者、Elsevier中国高被引学者(2021~2023),获得广东省杰出青年基金。研究电子智能制造系统变型设计与运行优化及其工业软件,主持国家重点研发课题、国防科工课题、国家自然科学面上基金、粤港合作项目等省部级课题10余项,主持科研总经费1300万元。担任IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems(2022 IF=8.7)副主编、Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing(2022 IF=8.3)副主编、Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (2022 IF=2.6)副主编、IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing(2022 IF=8.2)副主编等8JCR期刊编委,担任国家科技部重点专项会评、国家自然科学基金重点项目函评、广东省/浙江省/江苏省省级科技项目评审专家。发表SCI论文100篇,其中一作/通讯50余篇,其中入选ESI高被引/热点论文14篇、中国百篇最具影响力国际学术论文1篇,谷歌学术被引8200余次;参与制定IEEE标准4项,授权发明专利40余件,其中第一发明人美国专利5件,获国际制造工程师协会(SME2025年度杰出青年制造工程师奖1980年来内地就职第5人),获广东省技术发明一等奖1(第三完成人)、河南省技术发明一等奖1(第三完成人)、广东省科技进步一等奖1项、机械工业科技奖科技进步一等奖1项。







    · 2022.07至今,广东工业大学智能制造与机器人研究所,党支部书记/教授/博导

    · 2019.01-2022.07,广东工业大学工业工程系,副教授

    · 2018.11-2020.10,香港城市大学信息系统系,香江学者博士后(导师:赵建良)

    · 2016.12-2018.12,广东工业大学工业工程系,讲师

    · 2011.09-2016.12,西安交通大学,机械工程专业,博士(导师:江平宇)

    · 2007.09-2011.07,长安大学,机械设计制造及其自动化专业,本科


    · 高密度器件工艺智能寻优及缺陷可解释性溯源方法

    · 开放式架构产线计算变型设计方法及数字孪生设计软件

    · 物理信息神经网络设计与多模态生成式人工智能应用

    · 高性能制造系统设计与运行优化方法

    · 面向工业5.0的大规模个性化试制模式及韧性制造系统


    · 50+ SCI Journal Papers (1st or Corresponding author)

    · Google Scholar Citations: 8200, H Index: 41 (2025-2)

    · 授权第一发明人20件中国发明专利、5件美国专利


    · 2025 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, SME’s International Awards & Recognition Committee.

    · 2024年河南省优秀科技论文一等奖,“A safety management approach for Industry5.0's human-centered manufacturing based on digital twin” (5/8)

    · 2023年河南省技术发明一等奖“‘--环境共融的高端装备数字孪生关键技术及应用(第三完成人,3/10

    · 2022年机械工业科学技术奖科技进步一等奖多芯片高密度集成的电子基板高精高效制造关键技术与应用12/15

    · 2020年广东省技术发明一等奖电子制造柔性产线变型设计与优化关键技术及应用(第三完成人,3/15

    · 2020年广东省专利优秀奖一种智能车间平行控制方法及系统

    · 2018年广东省科技进步一等奖高端电子基板多品种高精高效制造核心装备、关键工艺及系统集成11/15


    · Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems (2021 IF=11.5), 2022.3-now

    · Associate Editor, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2022 IF=8.3), 2024.1-now

    · Associate Editor, IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing (2022 IF=8.2), 2023.3-now

    · Associate Editor, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (2022 IF=2.6), 2024.1-now

    · Subject Editor, Energy Ecology and Environment (2022 IF=4.4), 2023.1-now

    · Associate Editor, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2021 IF=3.6), 2023.1-now

    · Editorial Board Members, Scientific Reports, Nature (2021 IF=4.6), 2021.7-now

    · Associate Editor, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (2022 IF=2.3), 2021.2-now

    · Youth Editorial Committee, Complex System Modeling and Simulation (International Journal), 2023.12-now

    · Committee Member, IEEE Computer Society Smart Manufacturing Standard Committee, 2022.12-2024.12

    · Associate Editor, Blockchain (International Journal), 2022.3-now

    · 《工业工程》期刊青年领域主编


    · International Academic Committee, International Conference on Intelligent Factory Technology, Since 2024.

    · 国家科技部科技项目立项会议评审专家

    · 国家自然科学基金重点基金结题通讯评审专家

    · 广东省市场监督管理局知识产权行政保护技术调查官

    · 广东省、浙江省、江苏省科技厅/自然科学基金委项目评审专家

    · 广东省技术经济研究发展中心(含佛山市、中山市、珠海市等)科技项目指南编制/项目立项/项目结题评审专家

    · Member, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, since 2024

    · Member, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), since 2024

    · 数字孪生青年学者委员会(中国)第一届委员会,常务委员,2023.7-2025.6

    · 中国机械工程学会,工业大数据与智能系统分会,委员

    · 中国机械工程学会,成组与智能集成技术分会,委员

    · 中国自动化学会,3D打印与社会制造专业委员会,委员

    · 中国人工智能学会,智能制造专业专委会,委员

    · 中国图学会,数字孪生专业委员会,副秘书长

    · 中国图学会,智能工厂专业委员会,委员

    · 中国图学会,青年工作委员会,委员

    · 广东省机械工程学会副秘书长,2024.12-2029.12

    · 广东省计算机集成制造重点实验室副主任

    · 广州生产力促进中心特聘专家


    [1] 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金,海上风电联合基金项目,机理-数据混合驱动的海上风电装备运行初期智能运维方法,2024.11-2027.10.3130万元,项目负责人。

    [2] 广东省科技厅重点高端外国专家项目,面向人本智造的人机协作方法(Lihui Wang)2023.1-2024.1120万元,项目负责人。

    [3] 广东省科技厅与香港ITF联合资助,粤港联合项目,面向人本智能制造的人机协作装配线换产快速重构方法2024.7-2026.7100万元人民币财政资金+148万港币ITC经费,项目负责人。

    [4] 国家重点研发计划工业软件重点专项青年科学家项目,产品研发过程多层级数字孪生构建理论与应用技术,2023.12-2026.11200万元,任务负责人(60万元)

    [5] 2024年度广州市科技菁英领航项目,电子产线生成式设计与制造系统运行优化,2024.1-2027.330万元,项目负责人

    [6] 2023年度广东省高价值专利培育布局中心建设项目,高端装备制造产业,2023.1-2023.1230万元,项目负责人

    [7] 国家重点研发计划,国家质量基础设施体系专项,高端装备数字化测评与现场在线认可技术研究,2022.10-2025.9146万元,课题负责人

    [8] 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,高端电子智能制造系统定制设计与运行优化方法,2022.1-2025.12100万元,项目负责人

    [9] KGXM课题负责人130万元)。

    [10] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,面向大规模个性化定制的高端PCB样板制造系统双层智能优化运行方法2021.1-2024.1258万元,项目负责人

    [11] 国家自然科学基金,联合基金集成项目,高密度器件智能制造的基础科学问题研究,2021.01-2024.121578万元,参与

    [12] 国家科技部,科技创新2030新一代人工智能专项,复杂制造环境下的协同控制与决策理论方法2020-012022-12922万元,任务负责人52.8万元)。

    [13] 国家重点研发计划,网络协同制造和智能工厂专项,面向3C造产业集聚区域的网络协同制造集成技术研究与示范,2019.12-2022.11728万元,核心成员

    [14] 广东省重点领域研发计划,智能机器人与装备制造专项,面向3C行业的机器人生产线智能化三维设计与仿真优化系统,2019.01-2021.121000万元,核心成员

    [15] 广州市越秀区知识产权运营服务强区项目,支持重点实验室、研发中心建设项目,2020.6-2021.650万元,项目负责人

    [16] 华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室,2020年开放课题,区块链使能的制造系统数据追溯与流程优化方法,2020.01-2021.124万元,课题负责人

    [17] 佛山市南海区广工大数控装备协同创新研究院科技创新重大平台建设项目,热辅助直写型3D打印的工艺及设备研发,32万元,2021.07-2023.7课题负责人

    [18] 成都市重点研发支撑计划项目,基于区块链技术的专利交易机制设计与应用研究,2020.7-2021.620万元,项目负责人

    [19] 广东省科技厅,自然科学基金面上项目,数字孪生驱动的制造信息物理系统融合建模仿真方法,2019-202210万元,项目负责人

    [20] 广东省科技厅与香港ITF联合资助,粤港联合项目,基于区块链和智能合约的制造供应链管理与金融创新平台,2018-092020-08100万元人民币+237万港币,项目负责人

    [21] "数字孪生技术创新团队",中央支持地方高校发展专项资金,2019.04 -- 2022.04100万,项目负责人

    [22] 香港学者协会与中国博士后管理委员会,香江学者计划人才项目,2018.12-2020.1230 RMB+30 HKD项目负责人

    [23] 国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,去中心化共享区块链驱动的制造社群自组织及其群体决策方法,2018.01-2020.1224万元,项目负责人

    [24] 广东工业大学机电工程学院,青年教师培育计划重点课题,2018.01-2019.1215万元,项目负责人

    [25] 广东工业大学,青年百人计划项目,2016.12-2021.1210万元,项目负责人

    [26] 参与完成973计划课题、国家12-5科技支撑计划课题、科技部创新方法专项等3项。


    · Committee Member, IEEE Computer Society Smart Manufacturing Standard Committee, 2022.12~2024.12

    · IEEE 3147-2024, IEEE Recommended Practice For Variant Design of Electronics Production Line, (Participant, published).

    · IEEE C/S SM Standard P2806, Digital Representation, (Participant, Under developing)

    · IEEE 3219-2023, IEEE Standard for Blockchain-Based Zero-Trust Framework for the Internet of Things, 8th Participant, Representative of Guangdong University of Technology.

    · IEEE 2986-2023, IEEE Recommended Practice for Privacy and Security for Federated Machine Learning, 11th Participant, Representative of Guangdong University of Technology.

    · IEEE 3187-2024, IEEE Guide for Framework for Trustworthy Federated Machine Learning, 5th Participant.


    · 客座编辑(杨茂林、冷杰武、王柏村、李新宇),《西安交通大学学报》工业互联网与制造服务专辑,2025.01.

    · 客座编辑(王昊琪、冷杰武、戚庆林、庄存波、陈剑),《计算机集成制造系统》新一代人工智能驱动的制造业数智化转型专辑,2024.09.

    · 客座编辑(杨华勇、王力翚、王柏村、杨庚、刘庭煜、陶永、郑湃、冷杰武、臧冀原),《机械工程学报》人本智造专栏,2024.09.

    · Managing Guest Editor (Qiang Liu, Dimitris Mourtzis, Ang Liu, Xi Gu, Jiewu Leng*, Ray Y. Zhong) of Special Issue “Manufacturing system design towards Industry 5.0” in International Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2022 IF=4.1), 2024.04-2024.12

    · Lead Guest Editor (Jiewu Leng, Dimitris Mourtzis, Lida Xu, Andrew Kusiak, Duc Truong Pham) of Special Issue “Resilient, Human-Centric, and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems towards Industry 5.0” in International Journal of Production Research (2022 IF=9.2), 2024.01-2024.12

    · Lead Guest Editor (Jiewu Leng, Dimitris Mourtzis, Baicun Wang, and Thorsten Wuest) of Special Issue “Sustainable smart manufacturing system design configuration, operation, services towards Industry 5.0” in Energy Ecology and Environment (2022 IF=4.4), 2023.08-2024.03

    · Guest Editor (Jun Deng, Fangxin Fang, David A. Hormuth, Jiewu Leng, Ang Liu) of Special Collection “Digital twins” in Scientific Report (2021 IF=4.6), 2023.09-2024.03

    · Associate Editor of Special Issue “Blockchain Technology and Applications” in Decision Support Systems (2021 IF=6.9), 2022.10-2023.1

    · Lead Guest Editor (Jiewu Leng, Wilson W.S. Liu, Xun Xu) of Special Collection “Digital twin technology” in Scientific Report (2021 IF=4.6), 2021.09-2022.03

    · Lead Guest Editor (Jiewu Leng, Gang Xiong, Jinsong Bao, Qiang Liu) of Special Issue “Asymmetric and Symmetric Study on Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical-Social Systems” in Symmetry (2021 IF=2.6), 2021.03-2021.12

    · Lead Guest Editor (Jiewu Leng, J. Leon Zhao, Shaokun Fan) of Special Issue “Blockchain and smart contracts towards Decentralized Applications in Industry 4.0” in Security and Communication Networks (2021 IF=1.9), 2021.09-2022.01


    · 2023年度广东工业大学优秀研究生导师

    · 2023年第九届中国互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省赛金奖,第一老师成员,可定制化的高端芯片系统级测试装备(张浩等)

    · 广东工业大学2021-2022学年优秀班主任

    · 2022年中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛智能制造赛二等奖,指导老师

    · 2021年第七届中国互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖(省赛金奖),第一指导老师,数字孪生系统——智能工厂设计与优化新利器(张浩等)

    · 2021年教育部高等学校工业工程类专业优秀课程设计第一指导老师

    · 广东工业大学2018-2019学年优秀班主任

    · 广东工业大学课程思政试点课程《工程应用统计学》(广工大教字〔202111)

    · 广东省高等教育教学改革项目(粤教高函(2023) 4号)(主要成员),《项目驱动与竞教结合的智能制造拔尖人才培养》


    · 2023 Top Trending Article of International Journal of Production Research (2022 IF 9.2)

    · 2022 & 2021 Elsevier中国高被引学者(机械工程学科)

    · 2022 & 2021 & 2020 World’s Top 2% Scientists (Elsevier BV, Stanford University)

    · 2021 Outstanding Reviewers of Journal of Manufacturing Systems (1/2, 2021 IF: 8.6)

    · 2021年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文(JMS. 58: 52-64.通讯作者)

    · 2020 ICEPT Best Student Paper Award

    · 2020年第五届广东省期刊优秀作品二等奖(区块链技术驱动的产消者自组织产品制造社群构建)

    · 2019 Top Cited Article of International Journal of Production Research (2022 IF 9.2)

    · 西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文大规模个性化需求驱动的社群化制造网络配置与决策方法研究2016届)

    · 2015 The 4th Term NSK Best Paper in Mechanical Engineering


    [1] Jiewu Leng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Zhiqiang Huang, Xingyu Li, Pai Zheng, Xueliang Zhou, Dimitris Mourtzis, Baicun Wang, Qinglin Qi, Haidong Shao, Jiafu Wan, Xin Chen, Lihui Wang, and Qiang Liu* 2024. Unlocking the power of industrial artificial intelligence towards Industry 5.0: Insights, pathways, and challenges. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 73: 349-363. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [2] Jiewu Leng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Zhiqiang Huang, Kailin Xu*, Zhihong Liu, Qiang Liu*, and Xin Chen 2023. ManuChain II: blockchained smart contract system as the digital twin of decentralized autonomous manufacturing towards resilience in Industry 5.0. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 53(8): 4715-4728. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [3] Jiewu Leng, Weinan Sha, Zhisheng Lin, Jianbo Jing, Qiang Liu*, and Xin Chen 2023. Blockchained smart contract pyramid-driven multi-agent autonomous process control for resilient individualised manufacturing towards Industry 5.0. International Journal of Production Research. 61(13): 4302-4321. (Top Trending Article of IJPR)

    [4] Jiewu Leng, Weinan Sha, Baicun Wang, Pai Zheng, Cunbo Zhuang, Qiang Liu*, Thorsten Wuest, Dimitris Mourtzis, and Lihui Wang 2022. Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 65: 279-295. (ESI Top 1 Hot Paper, Top-cited Article of JMS since 2021)

    [5] Jiewu Leng, Man Zhou, J. Leon Zhao*, Yongfeng Huang, and Yiyang Bian 2022. Blockchain security: A survey of techniques and research directions. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 15(4): 2490-2510. (2022 ESI Top 1 Hot Paper)

    [6] Jiewu Leng, Dewen Wang, Weiming Shen, Xinyu Li, Qiang Liu*, and Xin Chen 2021. Digital twins-based smart manufacturing system design in Industry 4.0: a review. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 60(9):119-137. (2022 ESI Top 1 Hot Paper, Top-cited Article of JMS since 2021)

    [7] Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng*, Douxi Yan, Ding Zhang, Lijun Wei, Ailin Yu, Rongli Zhao, Hao Zhang, and Xin Chen 2021. Digital twin-based designing of the configuration, motion, control, and optimization model of a flow-type smart manufacturing system. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 58: 52-64. (2022 ESI Top 1 Hot Paper, China's Top 100 Most Influential International Academic Papers in 2021, Top-cited Article of JMS since 2021)

    [8] Jiewu Leng, Shide Ye, Man Zhou, J. Leon Zhao, Qiang Liu*, Wei Guo, Wei Cao, and Leijie Fu 2021. Blockchain-secured smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0: A survey. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 51(1): 237-252. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [9] Jiewu Leng, Qiang Liu*, Shide Ye, Jianbo Jing, Yan Wang, Chaoyang Zhang, Ding Zhang, and Xin Chen 2020. Digital twin-driven rapid reconfiguration of the automated manufacturing system via an open architecture model. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 63: 101895. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [10] Jiewu Leng, Guolei Ruan, Pingyu Jiang, Kailin Xu*, Qiang Liu, Xueliang Zhou, and Chao Liu 2020. Blockchain-empowered sustainable manufacturing and product lifecycle management in Industry 4.0: A survey. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 132: 110112. (2022 ESI Top 1 Hot Paper)

    [11] Jiewu Leng, Douxi Yan, Qiang Liu*, Kailin Xu, J. Leon Zhao, Rui Shi, Lijun Wei, Ding Zhang, and Xin Chen 2020. ManuChain: Combining permissioned blockchain with a holistic optimization model as bi-level intelligence for smart manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 50(1): 182-192. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [12] Jiewu Leng, Hao Zhang, Douxi Yan, Qiang Liu*, Xin Chen, and Ding Zhang 2019. Digital twin-driven manufacturing cyber-physical system for parallel controlling of smart workshop. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 10: 1155–1166. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [13] Qiang Liu, Hao Zhang, Jiewu Leng*, and Xin Chen 2019. Digital twin-driven rapid individualised designing of automated flow-shop manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research. 57(12), 3903-3919. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper, 2019 Top Cited Article of IJPR)

    [14] Jiewu Leng, and Pingyu Jiang* 2019. Dynamic scheduling in RFID-driven discrete manufacturing system by using multi-layer network metrics as heuristic information. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 30(3): 979–994. (2019 ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [15] Hao Zhang, Qiang Liu, Xin Chen, Ding Zhang, and Jiewu Leng* 2017. A digital twin-based approach for designing and multi-objective optimization of hollow glass production line. IEEE Access. 5: 26901-26911. (ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)

    [16] Jiewu Leng, Pingyu Jiang*, and Mei Zheng 2017. Outsourcer–supplier coordination for parts machining outsourcing under social manufacturing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 231(6): 1078-1090. (2017 ESI Top 1% Highly-cited Paper)


    [17] Jiewu Leng, Junxing Xie, Rongjie Li, Xueliang Zhou, Xi Gu, Qiang Liu*, Xin Chen, Wenjun Zhang, and Andrew Kusiak* 2025. Resilient Manufacturing: A Review of Disruptions, Assessment, and Pathways. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 79: 563-583.

    [18] Jiewu Leng, Jiwei Guo, Junxing Xie, Xueliang Zhou, Ang Liu, Xi Gu, Dimitris Mourtzis, Qinglin Qi, Qiang Liu*, Weiming Shen, and Lihui Wang 2025. Review of manufacturing system design in the interplay of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 (Part II): Design processes and enablers. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 79: 528-562.

    [19] Jiewu Leng, Rongjie Li, Junxing Xie, Xueliang Zhou, Xiang Li, Qiang Liu*, Xin Chen, Weiming Shen, and Lihui Wang 2025. Federated learning-empowered smart manufacturing and product lifecycle management: A review. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 65: 103179.

    [20] Chong Chen, Kuanhong Zhao, Jiewu Leng*, Chao Liu, Junming Fan, and Pai Zheng 2025. Integrating Large Language Model and Digital Twins in the Context of Industry 5.0: Framework, Challenges and Opportunities. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 94: 102982

    [21] Jun Lin, Zhiqiang Huang, Tengliang Zhu, Jiewu Leng*, and Kai Huang* 2024. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Robotic Puncturing Path Planning of Flexible Needle. Processes. 2024; 12(12): 2852.

    [22] Tariku Sinshaw Tamir, Xijin Hua, Jingchao Jiang, Jiewu Leng*, Gang Xiong, Zhen Shen, Qiang Liu 2024. Data-driven and physics-assisted machine learning approach for warpage classification and process parameter optimization in a 3D-printed BeltClip. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. doi:10.1109/TCSS.2024.3512614.

    [23] Rongli Zhao, Mengyang Xie, Guangxin Zou, Yuan Xie, Jiewu Leng*, and Qiang Liu 2024. A digital twin-driven pre-grasp path planning method for robotic deep-frame grasping of disordered workpieces. Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture. DOI: 10.1177/09544054241302663.

    [24] Longlong He, Jiani Gao, Jiewu Leng*, Yue Wu, Kai Ding, Lin Ma, Jie Liu, Duc Truong Pham 2024. Disassembly sequence planning of equipment decommissioning for Industry 5.0: Prospects and retrospect. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 62(D): 102939.

    [25] Tariku Sinshaw Tamir, Frehiwot Bayelign Teferi, Xijin Hua, Jiewu Leng*, Gang Xiong, Zhen Shen & Qiang Liu 2024. A review of advances in 3D and 4D bioprinting: Toward mass individualization paradigm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-024-02529-6

    [26] Jiewu Leng, Guolei Ruan, Caiyu Xu, Xueliang Zhou, Kailin Xu*, Yan Qiao, Zhihong Liu, and Qiang Liu* 2024. Deep reinforcement learning of graph convolutional neural network for resilient production control of mass individualized prototyping towards Industry 5.0. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 54(11): 7092-7105.

    [27] Jiewu Leng, Jiwei Guo, Junxing Xie, Xueliang Zhou, Ang Liu, Xi Gu, Dimitris Mourtzis, Qinglin Qi, Qiang Liu*, Weiming Shen, and Lihui Wang 2024. Review of manufacturing system design in the interplay of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 (Part I): Design thinking and modeling methods. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 76: 158-187.

    [28] Junlang Guo, Jiewu Leng*, J. Leon Zhao, Xueliang Zhou, Yu Yuan, Yuqian Lu, Dimitris Mourtzis, Qinglin Qi, Sihan Huang, Xueguan Song, Qiang Liu, and Lihui Wang 2024. Industrial metaverse towards Industry 5.0: Connotation, architecture, enablers, and challenges. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 76: 25-42.

    [29] Tariku Sinshaw Tamir, Gang Xiong, Zhen Shen, Jiewu Leng* 2024. Physics-driven data collection in 3D printing: Traversing the realm of social manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3407823.

    [30] Jiewu Leng, Jiwei Guo, Dewen Wang, Yuanwei Zhong, Kailin Xu*, Sihan Huang, Jiajun Liu, Chunyang Yu, Zhipeng Ye, and Qiang Liu 2024. Blockchain-of-things-based edge learning contracts for federated predictive maintenance towards resilient manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3395467.

    [31] Jiewu Leng, Yuanwei Zhong, Zisheng Lin, Kailin Xu*, Dimitris Mourtzis, Xueliang Zhou, Pai Zheng, Qiang Liu*, J. Leon Zhao, and Weiming Shen 2023. Towards resilience in Industry 5.0: A decentralized autonomous manufacturing paradigm. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 71: 95-114.

    [32] Jiewu Leng, Jiwei Guo, Hu Zhang, Kailin Xu*, Yan Qiao, Pai Zheng, and Weiming Shen 2023. Dual deep reinforcement learning agents-based-integrated order acceptance and scheduling of mass individualized prototyping. Journal of Cleaner Production. 427: 139249.

    [33] Tariku Sinshaw Tamira, Gang Xiong, Zhen Shen, Jiewu Leng, Qihang Fang, Yong Yang, Jingchao Jiang, Ehtisham Lodhi, and Fei-Yue Wang 2023. 3D printing in materials manufacturing industry: A realm of Industry 4.0. Heliyon. e19689.

    [34] Jiewu Leng, Zisheng Lin, Zhiqiang Huang, Ruijun Ye, Qiang Liu*, and Xin Chen 2024. Rapid simplification of 3D geometry model of mechanisms in the digital twins-driven manufacturing system design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 35: 2765-2786.

    [35] Rongli Zhao, Zeren Bao, Wanyu Xiao, Shangwen Zou, Guangxin Zou, Yuan Xie, and Jiewu Leng* 2023. Fast grasping technique for differentiated mobile phone frame based on visual guidance. Machines. 2023, 11: 689.

    [36] Jiewu Leng, Zisheng Lin, Man Zhou, Qiang Liu*, Pai Zheng, Zhihong Liu, and Xin Chen 2023. Multi-layer parallel transformer model for detecting product quality issues and locating anomalies based on multiple timeseries process data in Industry 4.0. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 70: 501-513.

    [37] Jiewu Leng, Ziying Chen, Weinan Sha, Shide Ye, Qiang Liu*, and Xin Chen 2022. Cloud-edge orchestration-based bi-level autonomous process control for mass individualization of rapid printed circuit boards prototyping services. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 63: 143-161.

    [38] Fuqiang Zhang, Lei Wu, Weichen Liu, Kai Ding, Jizhuang Hui, Jiewu Leng*, and Xueliang Zhou 2022. Evolutionary game-based incentive models for sustainable trust enhancement in a blockchained shared manufacturing network. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 54: 101791.

    [39] Jiewu Leng, Ziying Chen, Zhiqiang Huang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Hongye Su, Zisheng Lin, and Ding Zhang* 2022. Secure blockchain middleware for decentralized IIoT towards Industry 5.0: A review of architecture, enablers, challenges, and directions. Machines. 10(10): 858.

    [40] Jiewu Leng, Ziying Chen, Weinan Sha, Zisheng Lin, Jun Lin*, and Qiang Liu 2022. Digital twins-based flexible operating of open architecture production line for individualized manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 53: 101676.

    [41] Jiewu Leng, Dewen Wang, Xin Ma, Pengjiu Yu*, Li Wei, and Wenge Chen 2022. Bi-level artificial intelligence model for risk classification of acute respiratory diseases based on Chinese clinical data. Applied Intelligence. 51(11): 13114-13131.

    [42] Jiewu Leng, Man Zhou, Yuxuan Xiao, Hu Zhang, Qiang Liu*, Weiming Shen, Qianyi Su, and Longzhang Li 2021. Digital twins-based remote semi-physical commissioning of flow-type smart manufacturing systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 306C: 127278.

    [43] Douxi Yan, Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng*, Ding Zhang, Rongli Zhao, Hao Zhang, and Lijun Wei 2021. Digital twin-driven rapid customized design of board-type furniture production line. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (Transactions of the ASME). 21(3): 031011.

    [44] Lei Wu, Jiewu Leng*, and Bingfeng Ju 2021. Digital twins-based smart design and control of ultra-precision machining: A review. Symmetry 13(9): 1717.

    [45] Jiewu Leng, Guolei Ruan, Yuan Song, Qiang Liu*, Yingbin Fu, Kai Ding, and Xin Chen 2021. A loosely-coupled deep reinforcement learning approach for order acceptance decision of mass-individualized printed circuit board manufacturing in Industry 4.0. Journal of Cleaner Production. 280(2): 124405.

    [46] Jiewu Leng, Douxi Yan, Qiang Liu*, Hao Zhang, Gege Zhao, Lijun Wei, Ding Zhang, Ailin Yu, and Xin Chen 2021. Digital twin-driven joint optimisation of packing and storage assignment in large-scale automated high-rise warehouse product-service system. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 34(7-8): 783-800.

    [47] Jiewu Leng, Pingyu Jiang*, Chao Liu, and Chuang Wang 2020. Contextual self-organizing of manufacturing process for mass individualization: a cyber-physical-social system approach. Enterprise Information Systems. 14(8):1124-1149.

    [48] Jiewu Leng, Pingyu Jiang, Kailin Xu*, Qiang Liu, J. Leon Zhao, Yiyang Bian, and Rui Shi 2019. Makerchain: A blockchain with chemical signature for self-organizing process in social manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production. 234: 767-778.

    [49] Rongli Zhao, Douxi Yan, Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng*, Jiafu Wan, Xin Chen, and Xiafeng Zhang 2019. Digital twin-driven cyber-physical system for autonomously controlling of micro punching system. IEEE Access. 7: 9459-9469.

    [50] Jiewu Leng, and Pingyu Jiang* 2018. Evaluation across and within collaborative manufacturing networks: a comparison of manufacturers’ interactions and attributes. International Journal of Production Research. 56(15), 5131-5146.

    [51] Jiewu Leng, Qingxin Chen, Ning Mao, and Pingyu Jiang* 2018. Combining granular computing technique with deep learning for service planning under social manufacturing contexts. Knowledge-Based Systems. 143: 295-306.

    [52] Jiewu Leng, and Pingyu Jiang* 2017. Mining and matching relationships from interaction contexts in a social manufacturing paradigm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 47(2): 276-288.

    [53] Jiewu Leng, and Pingyu Jiang* 2017. Granular computing–based development of service process reference models in social manufacturing contexts. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. 25(2): 95-107.

    [54] Jiewu Leng, and Pingyu Jiang* 2016. A deep learning approach for relationship extraction from interaction context in social manufacturing paradigm. Knowledge-Based Systems. 100: 188-199.

    [55] Jiewu Leng, Pingyu Jiang*, and Kai Ding 2014. Implementing of a three-phase integrated decision support model for parts machining outsourcing. International Journal of Production Research. 52(12): 3614-3636.


     [1] 区块链工业应用技术,机械工业出版社,2023,教材,孔宪光、殷磊、冷杰武等编

     [2] Vikas Kumar, Jiewu Leng, Victoria Akberdina, Evgeny Kuzmin. 2022. Digital Transformation in Industry - Digital Twins and New Business Models (Springer Book). Springer Nature Switzerland AG. (Series ISSN 2195-4968)

    [3] Jiewu Leng and Pingyu Jiang. 2019. Chapter 3 Socialized Manufacturing Resources and Interconnections. In: Social Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications(英文专著中的,主编: 江平宇), pp: 50-65. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing (丛书主编: 英国皇家工程院院士Duc Truong Pham). Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72986-2_3

    [4] Jiewu Leng, Wei Guo and Pingyu Jiang. 2019. Chapter 4 Social Business Relationship and Organizational Network. In: Social Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications, pp: 67-92. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72986-2_4

     [5] Jiewu Leng, Jiajun Liu and Pingyu Jiang. 2019.Chapter 9 Blockchain Models for Cyber-Credits of Social Manufacturing. In: Social Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications, pp: 197-217. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72986-2_9

    [6] Jiewu Leng and Pingyu Jiang. 2019. Chapter 10 Configuration of Social Manufacturing System. In: Social Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications, pp: 219-243. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72986-2_10


     [1] Jiewu Leng, Weinan Sha, Zisheng Lin, Dewen Wang, Man Zhou, Guolei Ruan, Qiang Liu, Hu Zhang, Qianyi Su. Method for Constructing and Training Decentralized Migration Diagram Neural Network Model for Production Process. US11367002B1. 2021-11-18.2022-6-21. [授权]

     [2] Jiewu Leng, Man Zhou, Wenshun Deng, Qiang Liu, Lijun Wei, Douxi Yan, Yuxuan Xiao, Jiongyu Chen, Caiyu Xu, Yougui Yang. Approximate physical simulation integrated debugging method and system based on digital twinning. US11176290B1. 2021-05-05.2021-11-16.[授权]

    [3] Jiewu Leng, Man Zhou, Qiang Liu, Guolei Ruan, Shide Ye, Jianbo Jing, Hu Zhang. Blockchain-enabled edge computing method for production scheduling. US17060148B2. 2020-10-1.2022-6-14. [授权]

     [4] Jiewu Leng, Qiang Liu, Guolei Ruan, Ding Zhang, Douxi Yan. Inhomogeneous sample equalization method and system for product assembly process. US11429070B2. 2020-12-26.2022-8-30. [授权]

    [5] Jiewu Leng, Wenshun Deng, Qiang Liu, Guolei Ruan, Hu Zhang, Jianbo Jing, Shide Ye. Automatic bargaining method and related device based on smart contract and secure multi-party computation. US17060168. 2020-10-1. 2022-11-18. [授权]

    [6] 冷杰武,阮国磊,刘强,张虎,苏倩怡,周满,王德文. CN202110010986.0 一种面向生产过程的分布式迁移图学习方法.授权公告日 20211008[授权]

    [7] 冷杰武, 张虎, 刘强, 阮国磊, 苏倩怡, 王德文, 周满. CN202110010968.2 一种接单辅助决策的联邦强化学习方法. 公开日 20210514.[ 授权]

     [8] 冷杰武, 李子晗, 肖雨轩, 朱晓峰, 李龙章, 梁雨菁, 林大钦, 李卓然. CN202110138317.1 一种基于数字孪生的自动化立体仓库构建方法 . 公开日 20210611. [授权]

     [9] 冷杰武,王德文,苏倩怡,周满,阮国磊,张虎. CN202110282338.0 一种工业智能合约系统及其运行的多数字孪生体同步互操作方法. 公开日 20210723. [授权]

    [10] 冷杰武,阮国磊,刘强,张定,严都喜. ZL 202010175032.0一种面向产品装配工艺的非均匀样本均衡化方法及系统. 授权公告日:2020-12-08. [授权]

    [11] 冷杰武,阮国磊,刘强,张虎,苏倩怡. ZL201911303431.4一种基于迁移学习的手机装配工艺知识框架模型构建方法. 授权公告日:2020-07-28. [授权]

    [12] 冷杰武,叶锐军,刘强,宋源,苏倩怡. ZL201911241029.8 一种基于深度强化学习的订单信息处理方法. 授权公告日:2020-07-21. [授权]

    [13] 冷杰武,宋源,刘强,赵荣丽,严都喜. 基于多周期差分采样的在位检测方法及高速点运动设备. CN201910285294.X, 授权公告日:2020-01-14. [授权]

    [14] 冷杰武, 罗健伟, 李子晗, 方基杰, 朱晓峰, 肖雨轩, CN202010976348.X 一种基于智能合约的生产交易管理方法及其系统.公开日 20210105 [授权]

    [15] 冷杰武, 叶仕德, 刘强, 景建波, 张虎, 阮国磊. 202010098365.8一种区块链使能的生产调度边缘计算方法. [授权]

    [16] 冷杰武, 李龙章, 张虎. 202010152089.9一种供应链加密议价方法及系统. [授权]

    [17] 冷杰武, 叶仕德, 刘强, 景建波, 张虎, 阮国磊. 201911274540.08一种基于联盟链的跨链数据协同方法. [授权]

    [18] 冷杰武, 蔡静仪, 李龙章, 王彰仪, 卢桦茵. CN202010554961.2 一种基于智能合约的货物仓储系统和方法. 公开日 20201030.[授权]

    [19] 冷杰武, 景建波, 刘强, 叶仕德, 张虎. 201911280283.9基于区块链保障的生产数据追溯及防篡改方法. [授权]

    [20] 冷杰武, 景建波, 刘强, 叶仕德, 张虎. 201911280619.1一种区块链使能的车间动态协调运行方法. [授权]

    [21] 冷杰武, 叶仕德, 刘强, 景建波, 张虎, 阮国磊.202010020534.6一种基于智能合约的制造资源建模与调用方法. [授权]

    [22] 冷杰武,张虎,阮国磊,叶仕德,景建波,李龙章. ZL 2019 1 1251667.8. 融合区块链与联邦学习的共享医疗数据智能辅助诊断系统.申请日20191209. [授权]

    [23] 冷杰武, 张虎, 景建波, 叶仕德, 阮国磊. 202010129417.3基于智能合约及多方安全计算的自动议价方法和相关装置. [授权]

    [24] 冷杰武;叶仕德;刘强;景建波;张虎;阮国磊. 一种基于区块链的AED设备位置共享方法.ZL 2020 1 0218769.6. 申请日:20200325日,授权公告日:20231010[授权]

    [25] Jiewu Leng, Xiaofeng Zhu, Caiyu Xu, Hongye Su, Qiang Liu. System and method for monitoring failure of assembly tooling for mass-individualized production line. 2023-03-22, US18187698.

    [26] Jiewu Leng, Jiwei Guo, Xiaofeng Zhu, Caiyu Xu, Hongye Su, Qiang Liu. Method for Constructing Topology reference architecture for a production line. 2023-07-04, U18346845.

    [27] Jiewu Leng, Yuxuan Xiao, Longzhang Li, Qiang Liu, Haochi Pan, Zhangyi Wang, Jinyi Cai, Shuer Lin. Blockchain-based outsourcing processing method and platform. US 17134366. 2020-12-26.

    [28] Jiewu Leng, Man Zhou, Qiang Liu, Longzhang Li, Jianbo Jing, Shide Ye, Zhangyi Wang. Product anti-counterfeiting method and system based on material signature blockchain. US17037630. 2020-10-8.

    [29] Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng, Douxi Yan, Ding Zhang, Hao Zhang. Self-Adaptive Configuration Method and System for Linkage Response of Construction Type, Motion Type, Control Type and Optimization Type. US11340562. 2022-5-24.

    [30] Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng, Qianyi Su, Ding Zhang, Ailin Yu. Optimization Method and System based on Screwdriving Technology in Mobile Phone Manufacturing. US17072668. 2020-10-16.

    [31] Qiang Liu, Yuan Song, Jiewu Leng, Guixiang Lin, Hao Zhang, Parallel control method based on multi-period differential sampling and digital twinning technologies, 2021-2-16, US10921794B2. [授权]

    [32] Qiang Liu, Jiewu Leng, Ding Zhang, Xin Chen, Lijun Wei. Method and system for quick customized-design of intelligent workshop. US10915096B2. 2021-2-9.[授权]

    [33] Qiang Liu, Hao Zhang, Xin Chen, Kuanyuan Li, Jiewu Leng, Verfahren und System zur parallelen Steuerung einer intelligenten Werkstatt, 2020-2-20, DE112018002433T.

    [34] Qiang Liu, Ding Zhang, Xin Chen, Jiewu Leng, Hao Zhang, Verfahren zur cirtuellen Umstellung einer Produktionslinie fur elcktronische Produkte, 2020-2-20, DE112018002434T.


    [1] 组织委员会委员,精密电子制造工艺力学面临的机遇和挑战研讨会,20241220-22日,中国广州。

    [2] 分会主席,第二届人本智造学术会议,20241220-22日,中国南京。

    [3] 程序委员会副主席2024年全国先进生产系统理论与应用研讨会暨海上丝绸之路国际产学研用合作会议-智能制造论坛,20241213-15日,中国广州。

    [4] 大会主持人2023年广东省机械工程学会制造业信息化分会换届大会暨制造业信息化学术研讨会,20231217日,中国广州。

    [5] 大会主持人2023年海上丝绸之路国际产学研用合作会议-智能制造专题研讨会,20231118日,中国广州。

    [6] Chair of Invited Speeches, The 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC), November 23-26, 2023 Chongqing, China.

    [7] Session Chair, 2023 NSFC-RGC Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Big Data and Intelligent Systems, April 28th - May 1st, 2023, Hong Kong, China.

    [8] 组织委员会委员2023华人学者工业工程国际年会暨第十三届全球华人工业工程与物流管理院长系主任联席会,广州,2023.8.10-12.

    [9] Program committee, 14th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2023), Naples, 4-6 December 2023.

    [10] Program committee, 2023 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, May 24-26, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    [11] Host, 2022 Maritime Silk Road International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research, and Application – Symposium on Smart Manufacturing. 2022.11.30, Guangzhou, China.

    [12] Scientific Advisory Committee, International Scientific Conference on Digital Transformation of Industry, 2021~2023, Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation).

    [13] 分会场特邀报告主席, 第六届数字孪生与智能制造服务学术会议,202207月,中国南京,系统与应用分会场。

    [14] Program committee, European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference 2022, Jun 15, 2022 - Jun 16, 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

    [15] Program committee, 2022 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, May 4-6, 2022, Hangzhou, China.

    [16] Organization Committee of Special Session, IEEE CASE 2019, Vancouver BC, Canada, 2019.8.22-26.

    [17] 会务总负责人, 第三届数字孪生与智能制造服务学术会议,201907月,中国广州。

    [18] Session Chair, CIRP iPS2 2019, Hong Kong & Zhuhai, China, 2019.5.29-31.

    [19] Program Co-Chair, Symposium on Blockchain Technology and Application, Hong Kong, China, 2019.1.12-13.

    [20] Session Chair, IEEE ICNSC 2018, Zhuhai, China, 2018.3.27-29.

    [21] Session Chair, IEEE ICMA 2015, Beijing, China, 2015.8.2-5.


    [1] 中国图学学会图创未来科普讲座2024年度第五期(总第18)2024124日,线上,生产车间怎么设计?数字孪生是一个好工具!讲座报告人,冷杰武。

    [2] 2024年全国工业设计青年学术会议,20241218-20日,中国杭州,生产系统数字孪生设计分会报告,冷杰武。

    [3] 全国高等学校制造自动化研究会第二十一届学术年会,2024824日,中国佛山,数字孪生驱动的开放式架构产线变型设计及优化大会报告,冷杰武。

    [4] 中国图学学会第七届奋发图强青年科学家论坛,2024720日,中国大连,数字孪生驱动的开放式架构产线变型设计及优化大会论坛报告,冷杰武。

    [5] The First International Conference on Intelligent Factory Technology, Nanjing, China, April 20-22, 2024, “Digital twins-based variant design of open architecture production line”, Invited Speech, Jiewu Leng.

    [6] 2023年郑州大学管理科学与工程博士后论坛,20231220日,中国郑州,面向大规模个性化定制的电子制造系统设计与运行优化大会主题报告,冷杰武。

    [7] 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC), Chongqing, China, November 23-26, 2023. “Smart design and optimization of electronics manufacturing systems toward mass individualization”, Invited Speaker, Jiewu Leng.

    [8] 2023年海上丝绸之路国际产学研用合作会议-智能制造专题研讨会,20231118日,中国广州,电子制造系统设计与运行优化大会主题报告,冷杰武。

    [9] 第七届数字孪生与智能制造服务学术会议,数字孪生人与人本智造专题,2023-7-29,中国济南,面向人本智造的电子制造人机双工产线开放式架构设计及优化大会主题报告,冷杰武。

    [10] 2022中国自动化大会工业智能驱动的调度优化与协同决策论坛,2022-11-27,中国厦门,面向大规模个性化定制的电子制造系统设计与运行优化分论坛报告,冷杰武。

    [11] The 2nd DT International Conference (DigiTwin2022)2022-9-28 Online (Sydney)“Smart design and optimization of electronics manufacturing systems toward mass individualization”. Invited Speaker, Jiewu Leng.

    [12] The 7th International Conference on Smart Finance2022-08-19Online,基于区块链和智能合约的制造供应链管理,分会报告,冷杰武。

    [13] 中国机械工程学会 成组与智能集成技术分会 2021年度学术会议,2022-1-22,线上,面向大规模个性化定制的电子制造系统定制设计与运行优化,会议主题报告,冷杰武。

    [14] 第五届数字孪生与智能制造服务学术会议,20210717日,中国上海,高端电子智能制造系统定制设计与运行优化方法,分会报告,冷杰武。

    [15] 2019年第五届大数据产学研高峰论坛,2019127-9日,中国广州,融合数字孪生与区块链的大规模个性化制造,分论坛邀请报告,冷杰武。

    [16] 第二届数字孪生与智能制造服务学术会议,201807月,中国郑州,融合数字孪生与区块链的大规模个性化制造,分会报告,冷杰武。

    毕业及在校学生 (每年招生指标:博士生1~2名、硕士生5~7)

    [1] 李宽元,2016级硕士(联合指导),深圳市海柔创新科技,运筹优化算法工程师

    [2] 张磊,2016级硕士(联合指导),中望龙腾软件,产品经理

    [3] 赵阁阁,2016级硕士(联合指导),中移在线服务,数据分析工程师

    [4] 严都喜,2016级硕士/2023届博士(联合指导)(2次获国家奖学金),广东工业大学博士后(广东省青年优秀人才国际培养计划)

    [5] 宋源,2017级硕士(联合指导),松灵机器人,视觉工程师

    [6] 景建波,2018级硕士,中国工商银行,研发工程师

    [7] 叶仕德,2018级硕士(联合指导),美的,后端开发工程师

    [8] 叶锐军,2018级硕士(联合指导),广汽乘用车,车间管理

    [9] 苏倩怡,2018级硕士(联合指导),顺德农商银行,技术开发工程师

    [10] 张虎,2019级硕士,广汽研究院,需求开发工程师

    [11] 邓文顺,2019级硕士(联合指导)(本校推免生获国家奖学金),华为,软件开发工程师

    [12] 阮国磊,2019级硕士(获国家奖学金),汇川技术数字化事业部,后端开发工程师

    [13] 周满,2020级硕士生(获国家奖学金),广西贵港汇诚木业,总经理

    [14] 王德文,2020级硕士生(获国家奖学金),肇庆金利高新技术产业开发区管理委员会

    [15] 沙伟男,2021级硕士生(获国家奖学金),上海交通大学,博士生

    [16] 陈梓颖,2021级硕士生(获国家奖学金),深圳市英威腾电气,大数据分析软件工程师

    [17] 黄志强,2021级硕士生,科华数据,结构岗

    [18] 林梓生,2021级硕士生(获国家奖学金),安克创新,结构工程师

    [19] 王伟顷,2021级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [20] 朱晓峰,2022级硕士生(获国家奖学金)

    [21] 郭继蔚,2022级硕士生(获国家奖学金)

    [22] 徐才宇,2023级硕士生(本校推免生)

    [23] 钟元蔚,2023级硕士生(获国家奖学金)

    [24] 郑恪悠,2023级硕士生

    [25] 李荣杰,2023级硕士生

    [26] 谢俊星,2023级硕士生

    [27] 欧楚暄,2023级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [28] 邵楚培,2023级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [29] 程麟添,2023级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [30] 周连弘,2024级学术型博士生

    [31] 朱熔熔,2024级工程型博士生

    [32] 刘泽安,2024级硕士生

    [33] 李嘉和,2024级硕士生

    [34] 苏栩洋,2024级硕士生

    [35] 张钱威,2024级硕士生

    [36] 吕浩,2024级硕士生

    [37] 王钢,2024级硕士生

    [38] 朱腾良,2024级硕士生

    [39] 林大琪,2024级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [40] 严允明,2024级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [41] 吴蔚岚,2024级非全日制工业工程硕士生

    [42] 库得来提,2024级非全日制工业工程硕士生