1. 个人简介
2. 工作经历
3. 主要获奖
2023年度 广东工业大学“优秀共产党员”
2023年度 广东工业大学“优秀研究生导师”
2023年度 中国研究生电子设计竞赛“优秀指导老师”
2023年度 “挑战杯”广东工业大学课外学术竞赛“优秀指导教师”
2023年度 佛山市高价值专利成果转移转化大赛银奖
2023年度 广东工业大学机电工程学院“立德树人标杆奖”
2021年度 广东工业大学“优秀创新成果奖”
2019-2022年度 广东工业大学“优秀工会积极分子”
2018年度 广东工业大学“先进科技工作者”
2017年度 广东工业大学“先进科技工作者”
2017年度 广东工业大学“优秀共产党员”
2017年度 广东工业大学“学院建设积极分子”
2016-2017年度 广东工业大学“优秀班主任”
2016-2017年度 广东工业大学“教学优秀二等奖”
学生荣获第21届电子封装技术国际会议(2020 ICEPT)“最佳论文奖”
4. 承担项目
(1) 国家自然科学基金,62174039,面向超细节距半导体全铜封装的火花烧蚀低温低压瞬态互连机理研究,2022/01-2025/12,60万,在研。
(2) 国家自然科学基金,61704033,面向第三代半导体封装互连的纳米铜膏及其低温无压烧结机理研究,2018/01- 2020/12,26万,结题。
(3) 广东省重点领域研发计划,2053810300008,多类芯片异构集成先进封装技术研发与应用,2021/01-2023/12,50万,在研。
(4) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2021A1515011642,新型纳米铜基柔性印刷电子低温互连工艺,2021/01-2022/12,10万,在研。
(5) 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目(自然科学),2016KQNCX046,功能性纳米铜的可控制备及其在印刷电子中的应用,2017/07-2019/07,5万,在研。
(6) 新型电子元器件关键材料与工艺国家重点实验室开放基金,FHR-JS-202011005,纳米银基新型元器件封装互连技术,2020/11-2022/10,10万,在研。
(7) 南沙区技术攻关项目,2016GG009,高密度互联盲埋孔填充技术研究与应用,2016/10-2018/12,60万,结题。
(8) 佛山南海区科技券,YJY2016005,三维倒装芯片的低温互连技术研究,2016/12-2017/12,5万,结题。
(9) 广东工业大学机电工程学院种子基金,2018/01- 2018/12,10万,结题。
(1) 国家重点研发计划(战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项),2018YFE0204601,用于先进封装互连的纳米铜材料和工艺研究及应用,2019/ 08-2022/07,786万,在研。
(2) 广东省科技发展专项(国际合作),2017A050501053,突破半导体互连技术的瓶颈--纳米铜粉的制备和应用,2017/10-2019/09,100万,结题。
(3) NSFC-广东联合基金,U1601202,功能微结构阵列的新型加工理论与关键技术,2017/01-2020/12,240万,结题。
(4) 国家自然科学基金,61874155,面向封装互连的铜-银双金属核壳纳米结构及低温无压烧结机理,2019/01-2022/12,63万,在研。
(5) 南沙区技术攻关项目,2017GG001,屏下光学指纹识别模组基板技术研究与应用,2017/09-2019/08,300万,结题。
(6) 广东省科技开发,2015B010104008,细间距芯片低温三维倒装互连关键技术研究与装备开发,2015/09-2018/09,100万,结题。
(7) 华为技术有限公司,TCXXXXXX,2021/03-2021/09,115.36万,结题。
5. 发表文章
(1) Yu Zhang, Xianchong Yu, Ziyuan Chen, Song Wu, Haiqi Lai, Shiwo Ta, Tingyu Lin, Guannan Yang*, and Chengqiang Cui*. Synthesis of Imidazole-Compound-Coated Copper Nanoparticles with Promising Antioxidant and Sintering Properties. Micromachines 2023, 14, 2079.
(2) Yu Zhang, Junyu He, Jin Tong, Haiqi Lai, Peilin Liang, Zhongwei Huang, Shiwo Ta, Tingyu Lin, Guannan Yang*, Chengqiang Cui*. Elucidation of the capillarity-promoted sintering of silver nanoparticles produced by a spark ablation vapor source. Advanced Powder Technology. 2023, 34, 103972.
(3) Guannan Yang, Pengyu Wang, Yu Liu, Shuzhou Lu, Bo Luo, Tao Lai, Shiwo Ta, Tingyu Lin, Jiye Luo*, Yu Zhang*, Chengqiang Cui*. Effect of Ag coating on the oxidation resistance, sintering properties, and migration resistance of Cu particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022. 923, 166271.
(4) Guannan Yang, Shaogen Luo, Tao Lai, Haiqi Lai, Bo Luo, Zebo Li, Yu Zhang* and Chengqiang Cui*. A Green and Facile Microvia Filling Method via Printing and Sintering of Cu-Ag Core-Shell Nano-Microparticles. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12, 1063.
(5) Guannan Yang, Zhiqiang Zhou, Haide Zhang, Yu Zhang*, Zhen Peng*, Pan Gong, Xin Wang and Chengqiang Cui*. Improved anti-vulcanization and bonding performance of silver alloy bonding wire by a cathodic passivation treatment with palladium. Materials. 2022, 15, 2355.
(6) Guannan Yang, Quanzhen Li, Zehua Tang, Yujie Zeng, Yu Zhang*, Jinfeng Li*, chengqiang Cui*. Capillarity-promoted laser re-sintering of printed semisolid Cu nanoparticles for facile fabrication of conductive patterns with voidless structure and improved conductivity. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. 2022, 18, 2711-2720.
(7) Guannan Yang, Shaogen Luo, Zhen Li, Yu Zhang* and Chengqiang Cui*. A Mini Review on the Microvia Filling Technology Based on Printed Metal Nano/Microparticles. Frontiers in Materials. 2022, 9, 860710
(8) Guannan Yang, Wei Lin, Haiqi Lai, Chaobin Zhong, Yu Zhang*, and Chengqiang Cui*. Improved understanding of the enhancement of sintering of mixtures of Cu microparticles and Sn nanoparticles for electronic packaging. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 2022, 33, 14, 11467–11474.
(9) Yu Zhang, Qiang Liu, Yu Liu, Jin Tong, Zhongwei Huang, Song Wu, Peilin Liang, Guannan Yang,* and Chengqiang Cui*. Green synthesis of novel in-situ micro/nano-Cu paste for semiconductor interconnection Nanotechnology. 2022
(10)Chao Li, Haili Song, Yan Cheng, Ruijuan Qi, Rong Huang, Chengqiang Cui, Yifeng Wang, Yu Zhang*, and Lei Miao. Highly Suppressed Thermal Conductivity in Diamond-like Cu2SnS3 by Dense Dislocation. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021, 4, 9, 8728–8733.
(11)Guannan Yang, Haiqi Lai, Wei Lin, Jin Tong, Jun Cao, Jiye Luo, Yu Zhang* and Chengqiang Cui*. A quantitative model to understand the microflowcontrolled sintering mechanism of metal particles at nanometer to micron scale. Nanotechnology. 2021, 32, 505721.
(12)Guannan Yang, Qiyu Zou, Pengyu Wang, Haiqi Lai, Tao Lai, Xian Zeng, Zhen Li, Jiye Luo, Yu Zhang*, Chengqiang Cui*.Towards understanding the facile synthesis of well-covered Cu-Ag core-shell nanoparticles from a complexing model. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021, 874, 159900.
(13)Guannan Yang, Guangdong Xu, Quanzhen Li, Yujie Zeng, Yu Zhang*, Mingming Hao*, Chengqiang Cui*. Understanding the sintering and heat dissipation behaviours of Cu nanoparticles during low-temperature selective laser sintering process on flexible substrates. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2021, 54, 375304.
(14)Guannan Yang, Wei Lin, Haiqi Lai, Jin Tong, Junjun Lei, Maodan Yuan, Yu Zhang*, Chengqiang Cui*.Understanding the relationship between particle size and ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2021, 73, 105497.
(15)Guannan Yang, Xian Zeng, Pengyu Wang, Chao Li, Guangdong Xu, Zhen Li, Jiye Luo, Yu Zhang*, and Chengqiang Cui*. Size Refinement of Copper Nanoparticles A Perspective from Electrochemical Nucleation and Growth Mechanism. ChemElectroChem. 2021, 8, 819-828.
(16)Boyao Zhang, Andrei Damian, Jurrian Zijl, Henk van Zeijl1, Yu Zhang*, Jiajie Fan, and Guoqi Zhang. In-air sintering of copper nanoparticle paste with pressure-assistance for die attachment in high power electronics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2021, 32, 4544-4555.
(17)Yu Zhang, Ping Cao, Wei Lin, Qiang Liu, Ziyuan Chen, Jun Cao, Guannan Yang, Chengqiang Cui. Synergy effect of mixed sintering accelerator on the deoxidation and sintering property improvement of Cu nanoparticles at low temperature. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. 2021, 127, 783.
(18) Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Chengqiang Cui, Kai Zhang, Jian Gao, Xin Chen, Guoqi Zhang, Rong Sun, Ching-ping Wong. PVP-Mediated Galvanic Replacement Synthesis of Smart Elliptic Cu-Ag Nanoflakes for Electrically Conductive Pastes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, 11, 8, 8382-8390.
(19)Yu Zhang, Chengqiang Cui, Bin Yang, Kai Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Rong Sun, Ching-ping Wong. Size-controllable copper nanomaterials for flexible printed electronics. Journal of Materials Science. 2018, 53, 12988-12995.
(20)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Liang Chen, Chengqiang Cui, Kai Zhang, Rong Sun, Ching-ping Wong. Easy separation of CuO nanocrystals with high catalytic activity. Materials Letters. 2018, 212, 332–335.
(21)Yu Zhang, Haiyuan Hu, Xiaowei Pei, Yupeng Liu, Qian Ye and Feng Zhou. Polymer brushes on structural surfaces: a novel synergistic strategy for perfectly resisting algae settlement. Biomaterials Science. 2017, 5, 2493。
(22)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Liang Chen, Gang Li, Rong Sun, Feng Zhou, Ching-ping Wong. Highly Stable and Re-dispersible Nano Cu Hydrosols with Sensitively Size-dependent Catalytic and Antibacterial Activities. Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 13775.
(23)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Liang Chen, Gang Li, Fengrui Zhou, Daoqiang Lv, Rong Sun, Feng Zhou,Ching-ping Wong.Hierarchical Architectures of Monodisperse Porous Cu Microspheres: Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, High-Efficiency and Recyclable Catalytic Performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2014, 2, 11966-11973.
(24)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Tao Zhao, Xianzhu Fu, Rong Sun, Feng Zhou, and Ching-ping Wong. FacilePreparation of Monodisperse, Impurity-Free, and Antioxidation Copper Nanoparticles on a Large Scale for Application in Conductive Ink. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2014, 6, 560-567.
(25)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Rong Sun, and Ching-ping Wong. Facile Synthesis of Elliptical Cu-Ag Nanoplates for Electrically Conductive Adhesives. 2015 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). 279-282.
(26)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Gang Li, Rong Sun, and Ching-ping Wong. Large-Scale Synthesis of High-Performance Copper Nanoparticles and their Applications in Flexible Printed Electronics. 2015 FPE.
(27)Yu Zhang, Pengli Zhu, Rong Sun, and Ching-ping Wong. A Simple Way to Prepare Large-Scale Copper Nanoparticles for Conductive Ink in Printed Electronics. 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). 317-320.
(28)Tao Lai, Yu Zhang*, Chengqiang Cui, Kai Zhang, Tao Chen, Xun Chen, Xin Chen, Jian Gao, Yunbo He, Hui Tang, and Yun Chen. Synthesis of size-controlled pure copper nanoparticles for packaging interconnect. 2018 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). 1702–1705.
(29)Xian Zeng, Yu Zhang*, Chengqiang Cui, Kai Zhang, Xun Chen, Xin Chen, Jian Gao, Yunbo He, and Hui Tang. Synthesis of copper nanoparticles using copper hydroxide. 2018 19th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT). 1355–1358.
6. 专利标准
(1) 一种超细节距半导体互连结构及其成型方法。发明专利,ZL2021106619547.0
(2) 一种原位纳米铜膏及其制备工艺和应用。发明专利,ZL202010676219.9
(3) 铜-陶瓷基板的制备方法。发明专利,ZL201710840957.0
(4) 一种纳米合金材料的制备系统及制备方法。发明专利,2021.05.11,ZL202010006167.4
(5) 临时键合解键合的材料及其制备方法和应用。发明专利,2021.03.16,ZL201810345076 .7
(6) 一种超细线路制备装置。实用新型专利,2020.12.29,ZL202020844081.4
(7) 纳米导体或半导体材料尺寸可控的制备系统及制备方法。发明专利,2020.10.27, ZL202010006159.X
(8) Cu/SiO2复合材料、其制备方法与铜-陶瓷基板的制备。发明专利,2020.08.11,ZL201710842165.7
(9) 一种抗氧化微纳铜材料的制备方法。发明专利,2020.06.16,ZL201910399914.2
(10) 一种微细线路的修复方法。发明专利,2020.06.09,ZL201911157684.5
(11) 一种互连工艺。发明专利,2020.05.19,ZL201710471203.2
(12) 一种高密度嵌入式线路的制作方法。发明专利,2020.04.28,ZL201710977049.6
(13) 一种用于半导体封装的导电浆料及其制备方法。发明专利,2020.03.10,ZL201810337799.1
(14) 一种导电聚合物包覆的纳米金属及其制备方法。发明专利,2020.02.07,ZL201810337133.6
(15) 一种芯片的转移方法。发明专利,2019.12.10,ZL201710874383.9
(16) 一种核壳结构纳米金属互连工艺。发明专利,2019.08.16,ZL201810010152.8
(17) 一种互连材料及其制备方法。发明专利,2019.07.26, ZL201710469870.7
(18) 一种保护剂组合物和抗腐蚀键合丝及其制备方法。发明专利,2019.04.09,ZL201611250204.6
(19) 一种纳米铜浆及其制备方法。发明专利,2019.03.15,ZL201710469884.9
(20) 一种纳米颗粒的分离方法。发明专利,2019.02.22,ZL201611265198.1
(21) 一种多孔微米铜球及其制备方法。发明专利,2019.01.01,ZL201610071062.0
(22) 铜基导电浆料及其制备与其在芯片封装铜铜键合中的应用。发明专利,2018.07.03,ZL201610518121.4
(23) 一种多芯片同步倒装机构及其封装工艺。发明专利,2018.06.05,ZL201710641236.7
(24) 一种可用于导电油墨的银包铜纳米颗粒的制备方法。发明专利,2018.05.15,ZL201610154292.3
(25) 一种铜银合金纳米片及其制备方法。发明专利,2018.04.17,ZL201610071480.X
(26) 用于导电油墨的纳米铜浆的制备方法。发明专利,2015.11.04,ZL201310706162.2
(27) 一种导电油墨纳米铜的制备方法。发明专利,2015.10.28,ZL201310252843.6
(1) 金属基导电油墨。Q/SIAT 08-2015
(2) 低温烧结银浆。Q/SIAT 14-2015
7. 联系方式
QQ /微信:549501186
地址:广州市大学城广东工业大学机电工程学院机电系 工学二号馆
8. 招生意向