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学术报告:Academic Report: Research and Development of Artificial Intelligent and Robotic Systems
来源: 时间:2019-05-30 浏览:



主讲人:Dr.Tang Sai Hong

主讲人简介:Dr.Tang Sai Hong is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. His academic experience is in the field of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering. His industrial experience is in the field of construction, M&E, automobile, semiconductor, and design. His current research is related to information technology, operations research, and robotics. Professor Hong has published numerous articles in a variety of well-known journals, including Expert Systems with Applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Research, Industrial Management & Data Systems, and Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management.

报告内容:Mobile robots are dependent on a model of the environment for their

basic navigation functions, and it is a major requirement for an

autonomous mobile robot to accomplish its mission.The aim of the research is to develop an unsupervised and fully

appearance-based place recognition approach for mobile robot

topological mapping and qualitative localization in a dynamic

environment.the main advantages of the topological mapping and qualitative

localization methods, which are designed and implemented in this thesis, are:

these methods are robust, accurate, cost effective, portable, low power

consumption, low weight, easy to install without any camera calibration and can

be applied on various mobile robot platforms. Lastly, online method can be used

in mobile robot exploration tasks such as military application, surveillance robots

to explore unknown areas, robotic fire fighters and rescue robot and the offline

methods have some advantages in assistive mobile robot” which is beneficial in

serving the human.